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Author objectives for act 1 #9

Closed rmkubik closed 2 years ago

rmkubik commented 2 years ago

Objective List:

Please comment if you're tackling an objective!

rmkubik commented 2 years ago

I did a description for fs-01-path now. This file has examples of how to use context and a new helper function to format content differently for Windows vs. Other.

rmkubik commented 2 years ago

Did description for fs-02-pwd!

Edit: Going to add those extra checkboxes to the main comment now instead of continually posting here. :-)

rmkubik commented 2 years ago

I'm worried about the description for fs-03-ls. I ended up using a CLI arg for ls to just show directories, ls -d */. The default ls doesn't distinguish what is and isn't a directory. I'm not stoked about needing to use a weird command so soon though. Perhaps we'd benefit from a "enter any file name or directory name at all that's in your ls result" objective before this one?

rmkubik commented 2 years ago

For fs-03-ls:

For fs-04-cd:

rmkubik commented 2 years ago

A note on length.

Historically, we've tried to keep these as short as possible and move all instruction into the help tab instead.

Based on our experience with Press X to Learn, I'm sort of inclined to think that's not necessarily the best course of action like we thought it was originally. Keeping everything to ONE screen seems very common in the space.

These descriptions I'm writing have been soundly breaking that established pattern we used to commit to. I'm calling this out now because I'd like us to consider this moving forward... I don't really know what to do about it. :-)

rmkubik commented 2 years ago

Handy file tree editing web tool I've been using for this project:

rmkubik commented 2 years ago

The validator for fs-5 does not actually care that the player has made a new directory vs. found the path for an existing directory.

It seems like a player acting in good faith would not fall into this trap on accident. I'm not super bothered by a player trying to circumvent this intentionally since that would demonstrate their understanding of file systems beyond the scope of this course anyway I think.

We can go back and add more validation to prevent this if we want, but I think this is fine to ship for now at least.

rmkubik commented 2 years ago

These changes have been shipped in #10!