TwinFan / LiveTraffic

LiveTraffic is an X-Plane multiplayer plugin, which fills your sky with live air traffic based on public flight tracking data.
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Read and use Historic Weather #19

Closed TwinFan closed 5 years ago

TwinFan commented 5 years ago

Current Situation / Problem Weather is configured in X-Plane, which might be configured to use current real weather or a given weather file, but is not synched with historic data if such is used in LiveTraffic. If especially wind direction doesn't match then landings/take offs could be simulated from the 'wrong' runway the user wouldn't use for his/her arrival/departure.

Suggested Solution Read and use historic weather, maybe from sites like when running with historic data.

Alternatives Manual workaround:

Benefits Correct weather for historic flights, especially meaningful for correct active departure/arrival runway.

TwinFan commented 5 years ago

Historic traffic data is out, so is historic weather.