Twinklebear / oidn-rs

Rust bindings to Intel's OpenImageDenoise Library
MIT License
24 stars 12 forks source link

Add Device::cuda() #13

Closed Delamare2112 closed 3 years ago

Delamare2112 commented 3 years ago

I notice that there is a Device::new() that uses DeviceType::DEFAULT and a Device::cpu() that uses DeviceType::CPU, I think there should be a Device::cuda() no?

Twinklebear commented 3 years ago

No, these are just bindings to Intel's OpenImageDenoise, which just has a CPU backend right now: . Wrapping the CUDA/OptiX denoiser would be awesome, but I don't think should be part of oidn-rs (as the name implies, it's just OIDN).

Delamare2112 commented 3 years ago

Ah! I see! I got confused because the python scripts can use cuda to train but I notice now that OIDN denoise does not :)