Twinside / Juicy.Pixels

Haskell library to load & save pictures
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Fix accidentally quadratic JPEG parsing #215

Closed nh2 closed 1 year ago

nh2 commented 1 year ago

Makes JPEG parsing 1000x faster for large pictures (I tried with a 110 MB one).

Please see the individual commit messages, especially the one of the commit titled Jpg: Fix quadratic JPEG parsing, for full details.

Other preparatory refactoring commits are also included.

Copying the main commit's initial message here for easy reading:

Beyond that:

Twinside commented 1 year ago

I'll trust you on that, I don't have the tooling to check it

nh2 commented 1 year ago

@Twinside Here's an easy way to measure, e.g. in GHCi:

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import qualified Codec.Picture.Jpg.Internal.Types as JPG
:set -XTypeApplications
:set +s

L.readFile "large110MB.jpg" >>= \bs -> return $ case runGetOrFail (get @JPG.JpgImage) bs of { Left (_rest, offset, err) -> Left ("ERROR", offset, err) ; Right (_rest, offset, jpgImage) -> Right (offset, jpgImage `deepseq` ()) }

The previous implementation prints (by means of :set +s which enables timing):

(806.22 secs, 121,282,712 bytes)

Doing the same with the new implementation (parseECS) from this PR prints:

(0.40 secs, 122,191,224 bytes)

So for this case, it is 2000x faster.

For parseECS_simple, I get:

(0.88 secs, 4,729,102,080 bytes)

This is still quite fast, but 2.5x slower than parseECS and doing 20x more allocation.

For the claim

only ~20% slower than a non-lazy ByteString based loop

I simply made a copy of the existing extractScanContent and switched the types from .Lazy to normal ByteString, like this:

extractScanContentStrict :: L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString, L.ByteString)
extractScanContentStrict str_lazy = aux 0
  where !maxi = fromIntegral $ B.length str - 1
        !str = L.toStrict str_lazy

        aux !n | n >= maxi = (L.fromStrict str, L.empty)
               | v == 0xFF && vNext /= 0 && not isReset = (let (a, b) = B.splitAt n str in (L.fromStrict a, L.fromStrict b))
               | otherwise = aux (n + 1)
             where v = {- (if n `mod` 1000000 == 0 then trace (" n = " ++ show n) else id) -} str `B.index` n
                   vNext = str `B.index` (n + 1)
                   isReset = 0xD0 <= vNext && vNext <= 0xD7

For that I obtained:

(0.35 secs, 235,527,808 bytes)
nh2 commented 1 year ago

In the commit I made a claim that getRemainingLazyByteString does not work well with binary's incremental input interface. That can be checked with these commands, using the binary-conduit as an example:

import Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Serialization.Binary -- from `binary-conduit`

-- Only reads a small part of the file:
runConduitRes $ sourceFile "bigfile.bin" .| sinkGet ((\a rest -> a) <$> getWord8 <*> getWord8)

-- This reads the entire file via the conduit (which is not lazy IO):
runConduitRes $ sourceFile "bigfile.bin" .| sinkGet ((\a rest -> a) <$> getWord8 <*> getRemainingLazyByteString)
nh2 commented 1 year ago


There are other usages of L.index and Lb.index in JuicyPixels that might also be quadratic and that I didn't fix.

For example:

git grep '\.index' | grep -v '\bB\.index\b'
src/Codec/Picture/HDR.hs:  where at n = L.index str . fromIntegral $ idx + n
src/Codec/Picture/HDR.hs:            | otherwise = pure $ L.index inputData (fromIntegral idx)
src/Codec/Picture/Png.hs:      PixelRGBA8 r g b $ Lb.index transpBuffer (fromIntegral ix)
nh2 commented 1 year ago

@Twinside It would be nice if you could tell me if the semi-lazy behaviour of JPEG parsing was accidental or intentional.

If it was accidental, we could consider it a bug, and perhaps switch the implementation of the JPEG parser away from the quirky to the strict one (which so far I haven't done).

NorfairKing commented 1 year ago

This PR seems to introduce a bug.

This code:

 -- Load the image
  dynamicImage <- decodeImage contents
  pure $ imageToJpg 100 dynamicImage

Turns this image: marvin Into this image signal-2022-12-06-110116_002

nh2 commented 1 year ago

I will investigate.

nh2 commented 1 year ago

This should fix it: PR #216

Twinside commented 1 year ago

merged! I'll push an update on hackage "soon©"