Twipped / joi-to-swagger

A library to convert Joi schema objects into Swagger schema definitions
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Upgrades joi to @hapi/joi #56

Closed juliuscc closed 4 years ago

juliuscc commented 5 years ago

joi is depricated and moved to @hapi/joi. This commit updates that dependency so that users of joi-to-swagger can use all the new features of @hapi/joi.

Mairu commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the PR, but with the rewrite @hapi/joi has undergone with the upgrade to version 16 there is much more to do. I am on it.

juliuscc commented 4 years ago

If there is anything I can do, please write. You could have a beta-branch, and divide the changes into multiple issues, which I can submit PRs for.

Mairu commented 4 years ago

I have pushed my current work to joi_16 branch, there are still some tests commented out. That fail atm. If you want to make them work, you can do that. If you do, give me a hint so I won't do it.

jnardone commented 4 years ago

Any update on this?

Mairu commented 4 years ago

There is an open PR, I hope I will find the time this weekend to review it. I think with that it is almost done.