TwistedInteractive / ckeditor

Symphony CMS extension that provides the CKEditor WYSIWYG editor for text fields.
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MySQL Error (1054): Unknown column 'outline' #32

Closed jurajkapsz closed 11 years ago

jurajkapsz commented 11 years ago

Hi, I got this error when updating to v1.4 on SCMS 2.3.x:

MySQL Error (1054): Unknown column 'outline' in 'field list' in query: INSERT INTO sym_ckeditor_presets (name, toolbar, plugins, resize, outline) VALUES ('Minimal', '[''Bold'', ''Italic'', ''Strike'', ''-'', ''Subscript'', ''Superscript''], [''Link'', ''Unlink''], [''Source'']', NULL, NULL, NULL), ('Normal', '[''Bold'', ''Italic'', ''Strike'', ''-'', ''Subscript'', ''Superscript''], [''NumberedList'', ''BulletedList'', ''-'', ''Outdent'', ''Indent'', ''Blockquote''], [''Image'', ''oembed''],[''Link'', ''Unlink''], [''HorizontalRule''], [''Source'', ''Maximize'']', NULL, 1, 1), ('Full', '{ name: ''document'', items : [ ''Source'',''-'',''Save'',''NewPage'',''DocProps'',''Preview'',''Print'',''-'',''Templates'' ] }, { name: ''clipboard'', items : [ ''Cut'',''Copy'',''Paste'',''PasteText'',''PasteFromWord'',''-'',''Undo'',''Redo'' ] }, { name: ''editing'', items : [ ''Find'',''Replace'',''-'',''SelectAll'',''-'',''SpellChecker'', ''Scayt'' ] }, { name: ''forms'', items : [ ''Form'', ''Checkbox'', ''Radio'', ''TextField'', ''Textarea'', ''Select'', ''Button'', ''ImageButton'', ''HiddenField'' ] }, ''/'', { name: ''basicstyles'', items : [ ''Bold'',''Italic'',''Underline'',''Strike'',''Subscript'',''Superscript'',''-'',''RemoveFormat'' ] }, { name: ''paragraph'', items : [ ''NumberedList'',''BulletedList'',''-'',''Outdent'',''Indent'',''-'',''Blockquote'',''CreateDiv'',''-'',''JustifyLeft'',''JustifyCenter'',''JustifyRight'',''JustifyBlock'',''-'',''BidiLtr'',''BidiRtl'' ] }, { name: ''links'', items : [ ''Link'',''Unlink'',''Anchor'' ] }, { name: ''insert'', items : [ ''Image'',''Flash'',''Table'',''HorizontalRule'',''Smiley'',''SpecialChar'',''PageBreak'' ] }, ''/'', { name: ''styles'', items : [ ''Styles'',''Format'',''Font'',''FontSize'' ] }, { name: ''colors'', items : [ ''TextColor'',''BGColor'' ] }, { name: ''tools'', items : [ ''Maximize'', ''ShowBlocks'',''-'',''About'' ] }', NULL, 1, 1);

alexbirukov commented 11 years ago

Yes, I also see this error.

inluxc commented 11 years ago

I also have that error

lucasmezencio commented 11 years ago

This error occurs because of in the CREATE TABLE statement for the table 'tbl_ckeditor_presets' on line 338 of the extension.driver.php. Can anyone do the fix for us? =]