TwisterMc / pdfjs-viewer-shortcode

A Wordpress plugin for embedding PDFs using Mozilla's Excellent PDF.js
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 5 forks source link

Microsoft Defender unsafe website #19

Open kerray opened 1 year ago

kerray commented 1 year ago

Hi, I would really like to use this plugin, but even in Chrome I get a huge red Microsoft Defender security warning, which will probably be a no-go for the nonprofit website it should be on.

I've tried to use latest code from development branch, I've updated the PDF.js javascript libraries to latest stable, the red warning is still present and scary.

Is this also happening to someone else? Is there any chance to fix this? It doesn't seem to happen with the pure PDF.js libraries...


TwisterMc commented 1 year ago

It's happening to pretty much everyone and there's no logical reason why. Most say that they report the issue to Microsoft and it goes away in a day or two.

There's also an Alternative PDF Loading beta option in the plugin that may help, but it's hard to say.

However, I've tried a ton of different ways of fixing the issue, and there's no clear issue, so there's no clear fix unfortunately.

ibrokemycomputer commented 8 months ago

@kerray This might help you - see #26