TwisterMc / pdfjs-viewer-shortcode

A Wordpress plugin for embedding PDFs using Mozilla's Excellent PDF.js
Apache License 2.0
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Blocked by Microsoft Defender SmartScreen in Edge #26

Open ibrokemycomputer opened 10 months ago

ibrokemycomputer commented 10 months ago


I noticed that certain PDFs are blocked in Edge by Microsoft Defender SmartScreen only when using the pdfjs URL. Accessing them directly is fine.

Bad embed (blocked): Bad URL (blocked): Raw URL (works):

I noticed that the zoom parameter has a hash in front instead of an ampersand. Changing the # to & on embed.php lines 131 and 136 fixed the issue with both the embed and the "fullscreen" URL.

Ill submit a pull request here shortly. Thank you!

ibrokemycomputer commented 10 months ago

Unfortunately, I had to apply a quick patch since it is a production site, but if you download that PDF and test the # vs & in the URL you'll see the issue.

However, I believe that it should be a & anyway to be a valid URL but 🤷

Edit: The "bad URL" link is still broken/showing the issue, but the embed is patched.

TwisterMc commented 9 months ago

Interesting. If this fixes all the Edge weirdness, I'll be so happy. Also, no idea how I couldn't have noticed that.