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Add the "leaveDB" command #15

Open chaos-lord opened 5 years ago

chaos-lord commented 5 years ago

In order to satisfy calls for there to be a way to watch the stream without risk of being permanently added to the DB, a command should be added that allows people with no IP logs and no messages type in chat to have their presence in the DB completely removed, and a message to that effect sent to people first added to the DB by other methods (such as getting a badge from pinball)

Felk commented 4 years ago

Is this a reasonable feature? People already can watch anonymously if they want by not logging into twich

red031000 commented 4 years ago

it's for compliance with GDPR, currently they'd need to be manually wiped by an op

Felk commented 4 years ago

such a command would probably also require the user to get permanently banned from the channel, as we can only delete the data if we stop "providing the service", which we can only do by stopping all interaction.

Felk commented 4 years ago

Note that "anonymization" has been legally found (DSB-D123.270/0009) to be acceptable to meet GDPR "erasure" requirements. However, this requires irrevocable overwriting of PII

found here. I've taken a look at DSB-D123.270/0009 and that seems to be true