TwoAbove / noita-tools

A collection of tools for Nolla Game's Noita that help get insight into seeds and find ones with special constraints.
MIT License
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Cuda integration? #305

Closed Lucozade1852 closed 10 months ago

Lucozade1852 commented 10 months ago

Is it even possible to integrate cuda into this? I feel like if it works it may greatly increase performance.

TwoAbove commented 10 months ago

Hey! In the browser, that's not yet possible. There are things in the works with webgpu and compute shaders, all in very early stages, but I'm tracking progress and will definitely try integrating it once it's more capable! A good step toward using those would be to move all the searchers to c++ WASM, and I'm in the middle of doing that when I have free time. That alone will make searches faster.

If you are interested in CUDA, pudy248 on Noita's discord has been working on a CUDA seed searcher, and your intuition is correct, it's pretty fast!

I'll definitely tag this issue and you if a PR like that comes along!