TwoAbove / noita-tools

A collection of tools for Nolla Game's Noita that help get insight into seeds and find ones with special constraints.
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BUG - Extra item does not update shop item count in advanced mode #347

Open maxsupermanhd opened 1 month ago

maxsupermanhd commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

In advanced mode after picking up extra item in holy mountain newly loaded shops do not contain extra items

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open seed 958762406 (or any that have extra item perk)
  2. Enter advanced mode
  3. Load mountains one by one and pick extra item perk (in seed 2nd mountain first roll)
  4. Load next shops and observe no change in item count

Expected behavior

Items button should only appear when shop is loaded and retain their items as well as have correct items being generated

TwoAbove commented 1 month ago

Thanks for bringing this up! I'll make a fix tonight

TwoAbove commented 1 month ago

Update on this - the fix is much more involved and requires a big chunk of refactoring. I'm working on it in my spare time.