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Write EquipmentGroupController class #10

Open RossMcConeghy opened 11 years ago

RossMcConeghy commented 11 years ago

EquipmentGroupController is the superclass that handles a set of slots that represent, for example, the player's currently equipped set of items including their body, head, motivator, tool slot, etc. I think each equipment set will need:

jesterstud commented 11 years ago

Yes! UpdateEquipment() would also need to highlight items that were not working...or else we would need to not allow some things to be dropped into certain containers.

RossMcConeghy commented 11 years ago

I agree, but in order to implement it I think we'll need some kind of "allowedItems" or "allowedItemTypes" list for each slot in the Container, or for the whole container so an item can be checked when it is being dropped in a slot. Unless you're thinking of a different way to do this.

jesterstud commented 9 years ago

My original idea for this was that each position would have a "type" and "class". For example: Class 2 Drive, Class 1 battery. I wanted to allow use of lower classed items.