TwoWheelDev / gns3-converter

GNS3 Topology Converter
GNU General Public License v3.0
14 stars 13 forks source link

when opening a converted project, not all serial links are "connected" #17

Closed anubisg1 closed 9 years ago

anubisg1 commented 9 years ago

possibly connected to issue #15

This is how the original topology looks like:


This is how the converted topology looks like: (you can see that the serial links are actually non connected.


this is the original .net file

autostart = False
version = 0.8.6
    workingdir = working
    udp = 10001
        image = c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image
        ram = 128
        idlepc = 0x60c09aa0
        idlemax = 100
        sparsemem = True
        ghostios = True
    [[ROUTER ISP_1]]
        model = 3725
        console = 2106
        aux = 2506
        cnfg = configs\ISP_1.cfg
        wic0/0 = WIC-2T
        wic0/1 = WIC-2T
        s0/0 = INTERNET s0/1
        s0/1 = Border_1 s0/0
        s0/2 = COMPANY s0/0
        x = -239.0
        y = -165.0
        z = 1.0
    [[ROUTER ISP_2]]
        model = 3725
        console = 2105
        aux = 2505
        cnfg = configs\ISP_2.cfg
        wic0/0 = WIC-2T
        wic0/1 = WIC-2T
        s0/0 = Border_2 s0/0
        s0/1 = Border_2 s0/1
        s0/2 = INTERNET s0/0
        x = 297.0
        y = -181.0
        z = 1.0
    [[ROUTER Border_2]]
        model = 3725
        console = 2102
        aux = 2502
        cnfg = configs\Border_2.cfg
        wic0/0 = WIC-2T
        s0/0 = ISP_2 s0/0
        s0/1 = ISP_2 s0/1
        f0/0 = Border_1 f0/0
        f0/1 = SW2 2
        x = 144.0
        y = 57.0
        z = 1.0
        hx = 19.4167388793
        hy = 42.5269119346
        model = 3725
        console = 2108
        aux = 2508
        cnfg = configs\COMPANY.cfg
        wic0/0 = WIC-2T
        s0/0 = ISP_1 s0/2
        s0/1 = Border_1 s0/1
        x = 61.2426406871
        y = -159.686291501
        z = 1.0
        model = 3725
        console = 2107
        aux = 2507
        cnfg = configs\INTERNET.cfg
        wic0/0 = WIC-2T
        s0/0 = ISP_2 s0/2
        s0/1 = ISP_1 s0/0
        x = 50.0
        y = -399.0
        z = 1.0
    [[ETHSW SW2]]
        1 = dot1q 1 Border_1 f0/1
        2 = dot1q 1 Border_2 f0/1
        x = 0.5
        y = 176.0
        z = 1.0
    [[ROUTER Border_1]]
        model = 3725
        console = 2101
        aux = 2501
        cnfg = configs\Border_1.cfg
        wic0/0 = WIC-2T
        s0/0 = ISP_1 s0/1
        s0/1 = COMPANY s0/1
        f0/0 = Border_2 f0/0
        f0/1 = SW2 1
        x = -100.0
        y = 56.0
        z = 1.0
        hx = -17.8431457505
        hy = 44.5269119346
    configs = configs
    [[NOTE 1]]
        text = "AS 200"
        x = 56.0
        y = -462.0
    [[NOTE 2]]
        text = "AS 1234"
        x = 66.7989898732
        y = -223.171572875
    [[NOTE 3]]
        text = ""
        x = -100.0
        y = -119.0
    [[NOTE 4]]
        text = ""
        x = -165.0
        y = -313.0
    [[NOTE 5]]
        text = "Rules of the lab:\n\n1) you are ONLY authorized to modify Border_1 and Border_2\n2) all other routers can be accessed for troubleshooting or \n    verification but in NO CASE their config has to be changed"
        x = -779.675323681
        y = -482.423448278
    [[NOTE 6]]
        text = ""
        x = -249.0
        y = -23.0
    [[NOTE 7]]
        text = "Instructions:\n\n1) Each Router is advertising a /32 loopback which is also the router ID\n\n\nGoals:\nYou have to modifiy Border_1 and Border_2 in order to achieve the\nfollowing goals:\n\n1) B1 and B2 will be iBGP neighbors over the lan\n\n2) B1 will need to peer with ISP_1 and COMPANY router with an\n    eBGP connection.\n\n3) B2 will peer with ISP_2. You must achieve load balancing for your traffic\n     using both links and you will not use BGP to achieve that.\n\n4) B1 and B2 must advertise into their loopback and all the subnet in the lan\n     except the B2B link.\n\n5) Verify on INTERNET that all subnets are received properly.\n\n6) B1 and B2 decided to summarize their internal networks and to advertise\n    only the best summary route. Be sure that B1 and B2 have all 4 networks\n    and summary route in the BGP table, while external routers need to have\n    only the summary.\n\n7) access ISP_2, and check the route used to reach (COMPANY's\n    lookpback. Explain why that path is followed with "default" BGP configuration\n    and take proper actions on B1 and B2 so that AS 65000 will not become anymore\n    a transit network.\n\n8) Implement on B1 and B2 the proper configuration changes so that OUTBOUND\n    traffic will use B2-ISP_2 link, and INCOMING traffic will used B1-ISP_1 link.\n    (use MED and Local Preference)\n\n9) Note how INTERNET router is not influenced by MED, WHY ? Use an alternative method\n    to influence the incoming traffic path."
        x = -781.332177931
        y = -384.457936164
    [[NOTE 8]]
        text = ""
        x = 28.0
        y = -42.0
    [[NOTE 9]]
        text = "AS 300"
        x = 310.485281374
        y = -235.928932188
    [[NOTE 10]]
        text = ""
        x = 206.0
        y = -316.0
    [[NOTE 11]]
        text = "AS 65000"
        x = 21.0
        y = 17.0
    [[NOTE 12]]
        text = "\n158.98.84.12/30"
        x = 249.0
        y = -20.0
    [[NOTE 13]]
        text = "AS 100"
        x = -234.769552622
        y = -221.100505063
    [[NOTE 14]]
        text = ""
        x = 6.0
        y = 48.0
    [[NOTE 15]]
        text = "\n192.168.11.0/24\n192.168.12.0/24\n192.168.13.0/24"
        x = 119.0
        y = 137.0
    [[SHAPE 1]]
        type = ellipse
        x = -285.0
        y = -261.0
        width = 201.0
        height = 196.0
        border_style = 2
    [[SHAPE 2]]
        type = ellipse
        x = -22.0
        y = -480.0
        width = 218.0
        height = 200.0
        border_style = 2
    [[SHAPE 3]]
        type = ellipse
        x = 234.0
        y = -266.0
        width = 200.0
        height = 200.0
        border_style = 2
    [[SHAPE 4]]
        type = ellipse
        x = 5.0
        y = -257.0
        width = 199.0
        height = 200.0
        border_style = 2
    [[SHAPE 5]]
        type = ellipse
        x = -180.0
        y = 2.0
        width = 469.0
        height = 263.0
        border_style = 2

and here is the converted .gns3 file:

    "name": "unsaved", 
    "resources_type": "local", 
    "topology": {
        "ellipses": [
                "border_style": 2, 
                "height": 200.0, 
                "width": 199.0, 
                "x": 5.0, 
                "y": -257.0
                "border_style": 2, 
                "height": 263.0, 
                "width": 469.0, 
                "x": -180.0, 
                "y": 2.0
                "border_style": 2, 
                "height": 196.0, 
                "width": 201.0, 
                "x": -285.0, 
                "y": -261.0
                "border_style": 2, 
                "height": 200.0, 
                "width": 218.0, 
                "x": -22.0, 
                "y": -480.0
                "border_style": 2, 
                "height": 200.0, 
                "width": 200.0, 
                "x": 234.0, 
                "y": -266.0
        "links": [
                "description": "Link from Border_1 port FastEthernet0/1 to SW2 port 1", 
                "destination_node_id": 1, 
                "destination_port_id": 29, 
                "id": 1, 
                "source_node_id": 2, 
                "source_port_id": 2
                "description": "Link from Border_1 port FastEthernet0/0 to Border_2 port FastEthernet0/0", 
                "destination_node_id": 3, 
                "destination_port_id": 5, 
                "id": 2, 
                "source_node_id": 2, 
                "source_port_id": 1
                "description": "Link from Border_2 port FastEthernet0/1 to SW2 port 2", 
                "destination_node_id": 1, 
                "destination_port_id": 30, 
                "id": 3, 
                "source_node_id": 3, 
                "source_port_id": 6
                "description": "Link from Border_2 port Serial0/0 to ISP_2 port Serial0/0", 
                "destination_node_id": 7, 
                "destination_port_id": 25, 
                "id": 4, 
                "source_node_id": 3, 
                "source_port_id": 7
        "nodes": [
                "description": "Ethernet switch", 
                "id": 1, 
                "label": {
                    "color": "#000000", 
                    "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                    "text": "SW2", 
                    "x": 15.5, 
                    "y": -25.0
                "ports": [
                        "description": "connected to Border_1 on port FastEthernet0/1", 
                        "id": 29, 
                        "link_id": 1, 
                        "name": "1", 
                        "nio": "NIO_UDP", 
                        "port_number": 1, 
                        "type": "dot1q", 
                        "vlan": 1
                        "description": "connected to Border_2 on port FastEthernet0/1", 
                        "id": 30, 
                        "link_id": 3, 
                        "name": "2", 
                        "nio": "NIO_UDP", 
                        "port_number": 2, 
                        "type": "dot1q", 
                        "vlan": 1
                "properties": {
                    "name": "SW2"
                "server_id": 1, 
                "type": "EthernetSwitch", 
                "x": 0.5, 
                "y": 176.0
                "description": "Router c3725", 
                "id": 2, 
                "label": {
                    "color": "#000000", 
                    "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                    "text": "Border_1", 
                    "x": -17.8431457505, 
                    "y": 44.5269119346
                "ports": [
                        "description": "connected to Border_2 on port FastEthernet0/0", 
                        "id": 1, 
                        "link_id": 2, 
                        "name": "FastEthernet0/0", 
                        "nio": "NIO_UDP", 
                        "port_number": 0, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "description": "connected to SW2 on port 1", 
                        "id": 2, 
                        "link_id": 1, 
                        "name": "FastEthernet0/1", 
                        "nio": "NIO_UDP", 
                        "port_number": 1, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 3, 
                        "name": "Serial0/0", 
                        "port_number": 16, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 44, 
                        "name": "Serial0/1", 
                        "port_number": 17, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                "properties": {
                    "aux": 2501, 
                    "console": 2101, 
                    "exec_area": 16, 
                    "idlepc": "0x60c09aa0", 
                    "image": "c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image", 
                    "mac_addr": "c202.16fc.0000", 
                    "name": "Border_1", 
                    "startup_config": "configs\\i2_startup-config.cfg", 
                    "wic0": "WIC-2T"
                "router_id": 2, 
                "server_id": 1, 
                "type": "C3725", 
                "x": -100.0, 
                "y": 56.0
                "description": "Router c3725", 
                "id": 3, 
                "label": {
                    "color": "#000000", 
                    "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                    "text": "Border_2", 
                    "x": 19.4167388793, 
                    "y": 42.5269119346
                "ports": [
                        "description": "connected to Border_1 on port FastEthernet0/0", 
                        "id": 5, 
                        "link_id": 2, 
                        "name": "FastEthernet0/0", 
                        "nio": "NIO_UDP", 
                        "port_number": 0, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "description": "connected to SW2 on port 2", 
                        "id": 6, 
                        "link_id": 3, 
                        "name": "FastEthernet0/1", 
                        "nio": "NIO_UDP", 
                        "port_number": 1, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "description": "connected to ISP_2 on port Serial0/0", 
                        "id": 7, 
                        "link_id": 4, 
                        "name": "Serial0/0", 
                        "nio": "NIO_UDP", 
                        "port_number": 16, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 46, 
                        "name": "Serial0/1", 
                        "port_number": 17, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                "properties": {
                    "aux": 2502, 
                    "console": 2102, 
                    "exec_area": 16, 
                    "idlepc": "0x60c09aa0", 
                    "image": "c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image", 
                    "mac_addr": "c203.04ec.0000", 
                    "name": "Border_2", 
                    "startup_config": "configs\\i3_startup-config.cfg", 
                    "wic0": "WIC-2T"
                "router_id": 3, 
                "server_id": 1, 
                "type": "C3725", 
                "x": 144.0, 
                "y": 57.0
                "description": "Router c3725", 
                "id": 4, 
                "label": {
                    "color": "#000000", 
                    "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                    "text": "COMPANY", 
                    "x": 19.5, 
                    "y": -25.0
                "ports": [
                        "id": 9, 
                        "name": "FastEthernet0/0", 
                        "port_number": 0, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 10, 
                        "name": "FastEthernet0/1", 
                        "port_number": 1, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 11, 
                        "name": "Serial0/0", 
                        "port_number": 16, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 48, 
                        "name": "Serial0/1", 
                        "port_number": 17, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                "properties": {
                    "aux": 2508, 
                    "console": 2108, 
                    "exec_area": 16, 
                    "idlepc": "0x60c09aa0", 
                    "image": "c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image", 
                    "mac_addr": "c204.0840.0000", 
                    "name": "COMPANY", 
                    "startup_config": "configs\\i4_startup-config.cfg", 
                    "wic0": "WIC-2T"
                "router_id": 4, 
                "server_id": 1, 
                "type": "C3725", 
                "x": 61.2426406871, 
                "y": -159.686291501
                "description": "Router c3725", 
                "id": 5, 
                "label": {
                    "color": "#000000", 
                    "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                    "text": "INTERNET", 
                    "x": 19.5, 
                    "y": -25.0
                "ports": [
                        "id": 13, 
                        "name": "FastEthernet0/0", 
                        "port_number": 0, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 14, 
                        "name": "FastEthernet0/1", 
                        "port_number": 1, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 15, 
                        "name": "Serial0/0", 
                        "port_number": 16, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 50, 
                        "name": "Serial0/1", 
                        "port_number": 17, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                "properties": {
                    "aux": 2507, 
                    "console": 2107, 
                    "exec_area": 16, 
                    "idlepc": "0x60c09aa0", 
                    "image": "c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image", 
                    "mac_addr": "c205.15d0.0000", 
                    "name": "INTERNET", 
                    "startup_config": "configs\\i5_startup-config.cfg", 
                    "wic0": "WIC-2T"
                "router_id": 5, 
                "server_id": 1, 
                "type": "C3725", 
                "x": 50.0, 
                "y": -399.0
                "description": "Router c3725", 
                "id": 6, 
                "label": {
                    "color": "#000000", 
                    "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                    "text": "ISP_1", 
                    "x": 19.5, 
                    "y": -25.0
                "ports": [
                        "id": 17, 
                        "name": "FastEthernet0/0", 
                        "port_number": 0, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 18, 
                        "name": "FastEthernet0/1", 
                        "port_number": 1, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 19, 
                        "name": "Serial0/0", 
                        "port_number": 16, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 52, 
                        "name": "Serial0/1", 
                        "port_number": 17, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 53, 
                        "name": "Serial0/2", 
                        "port_number": 32, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 54, 
                        "name": "Serial0/3", 
                        "port_number": 33, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                "properties": {
                    "aux": 2506, 
                    "console": 2106, 
                    "exec_area": 16, 
                    "idlepc": "0x60c09aa0", 
                    "image": "c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image", 
                    "mac_addr": "c206.04f0.0000", 
                    "name": "ISP_1", 
                    "startup_config": "configs\\i6_startup-config.cfg", 
                    "wic0": "WIC-2T", 
                    "wic1": "WIC-2T"
                "router_id": 6, 
                "server_id": 1, 
                "type": "C3725", 
                "x": -239.0, 
                "y": -165.0
                "description": "Router c3725", 
                "id": 7, 
                "label": {
                    "color": "#000000", 
                    "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                    "text": "ISP_2", 
                    "x": 19.5, 
                    "y": -25.0
                "ports": [
                        "id": 23, 
                        "name": "FastEthernet0/0", 
                        "port_number": 0, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 24, 
                        "name": "FastEthernet0/1", 
                        "port_number": 1, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "description": "connected to Border_2 on port Serial0/0", 
                        "id": 25, 
                        "link_id": 4, 
                        "name": "Serial0/0", 
                        "nio": "NIO_UDP", 
                        "port_number": 16, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 56, 
                        "name": "Serial0/1", 
                        "port_number": 17, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 57, 
                        "name": "Serial0/2", 
                        "port_number": 32, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                        "id": 58, 
                        "name": "Serial0/3", 
                        "port_number": 33, 
                        "slot_number": 0
                "properties": {
                    "aux": 2505, 
                    "console": 2105, 
                    "exec_area": 16, 
                    "idlepc": "0x60c09aa0", 
                    "image": "c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14.image", 
                    "mac_addr": "c207.2500.0000", 
                    "name": "ISP_2", 
                    "startup_config": "configs\\i7_startup-config.cfg", 
                    "wic0": "WIC-2T", 
                    "wic1": "WIC-2T"
                "router_id": 7, 
                "server_id": 1, 
                "type": "C3725", 
                "x": 297.0, 
                "y": -181.0
        "notes": [
                "color": "#000000", 
                "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                "text": "", 
                "x": -165.0, 
                "y": -313.0
                "color": "#000000", 
                "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                "text": "Rules of the lab:\n\n1) you are ONLY authorized to modify Border_1 and Border_2\n2) all other routers can be accessed for troubleshooting or \n    verification but in NO CASE their config has to be changed", 
                "x": -779.675323681, 
                "y": -482.423448278
                "color": "#000000", 
                "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                "text": "", 
                "x": -249.0, 
                "y": -23.0
                "color": "#000000", 
                "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                "text": "Instructions:\n\n1) Each Router is advertising a /32 loopback which is also the router ID\n\n\nGoals:\nYou have to modifiy Border_1 and Border_2 in order to achieve the\nfollowing goals:\n\n1) B1 and B2 will be iBGP neighbors over the lan\n\n2) B1 will need to peer with ISP_1 and COMPANY router with an\n    eBGP connection.\n\n3) B2 will peer with ISP_2. You must achieve load balancing for your traffic\n     using both links and you will not use BGP to achieve that.\n\n4) B1 and B2 must advertise into their loopback and all the subnet in the lan\n     except the B2B link.\n\n5) Verify on INTERNET that all subnets are received properly.\n\n6) B1 and B2 decided to summarize their internal networks and to advertise\n    only the best summary route. Be sure that B1 and B2 have all 4 networks\n    and summary route in the BGP table, while external routers need to have\n    only the summary.\n\n7) access ISP_2, and check the route used to reach (COMPANY's\n    lookpback. Explain why that path is followed with \"default\" BGP configuration\n    and take proper actions on B1 and B2 so that AS 65000 will not become anymore\n    a transit network.\n\n8) Implement on B1 and B2 the proper configuration changes so that OUTBOUND\n    traffic will use B2-ISP_2 link, and INCOMING traffic will used B1-ISP_1 link.\n    (use MED and Local Preference)\n\n9) Note how INTERNET router is not influenced by MED, WHY ? Use an alternative method\n    to influence the incoming traffic path.", 
                "x": -781.332177931, 
                "y": -384.457936164
                "color": "#000000", 
                "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                "text": "AS 200", 
                "x": 56.0, 
                "y": -462.0
                "color": "#000000", 
                "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                "text": "AS 1234", 
                "x": 66.7989898732, 
                "y": -223.171572875
                "color": "#000000", 
                "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                "text": "", 
                "x": -100.0, 
                "y": -119.0
                "color": "#000000", 
                "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                "text": "", 
                "x": 28.0, 
                "y": -42.0
                "color": "#000000", 
                "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                "text": "AS 300", 
                "x": 310.485281374, 
                "y": -235.928932188
                "color": "#000000", 
                "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                "text": "\n158.98.84.12/30", 
                "x": 249.0, 
                "y": -20.0
                "color": "#000000", 
                "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                "text": "AS 100", 
                "x": -234.769552622, 
                "y": -221.100505063
                "color": "#000000", 
                "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                "text": "", 
                "x": 206.0, 
                "y": -316.0
                "color": "#000000", 
                "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                "text": "AS 65000", 
                "x": 21.0, 
                "y": 17.0
                "color": "#000000", 
                "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                "text": "", 
                "x": 6.0, 
                "y": 48.0
                "color": "#000000", 
                "font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0", 
                "text": "\n192.168.11.0/24\n192.168.12.0/24\n192.168.13.0/24", 
                "x": 119.0, 
                "y": 137.0
        "servers": [
                "host": "", 
                "id": 1, 
                "local": true, 
                "port": 8000
    "type": "topology", 
    "version": "1.2"

this bug shows up on several .net files i have and i can provide them all if needed

TwoWheelDev commented 9 years ago

This was indeed a bug in the converter -

For Linux, please update to version 1.1.1

For windows and Mac you will need to wait for a new release of the binaries from GNS3

anubisg1 commented 9 years ago

i can confirm that updating to 1.1.1 manually works. i am lucky enough to be able to compile python on windows :)

TwoWheelDev commented 9 years ago

Excellent...glad that fixed it