TyKonKet / FS17_FuelUsageDisplay

Makes the fuel usage of motorized vehicles more realistic and displays the live fuel consumption.
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 7 forks source link

"MR" & "GearboxAddon" Compatibility #35

Closed Dwinesk closed 7 years ago

Dwinesk commented 7 years ago

Hi TykonKet. I want to start by thanking you for all your hard work and the marvelous creations that you and your collaborators have given to the farm sim community. On to the FuelUsageDisplay, I really enjoyed using this mod but unfortunately I have had to give up on using it as it isn't compatible with the 'MR'(morerealistic) mod. As I (and I'm sure I'm not alone when I say this) want to inject more realism into the game 'mr' is indispensable. So my question to you is... Is it possible to make them compatible.

Here is a link to the 'mr' forum. The author Dural is always helpful and I know that you two programming geniuses can make it happen: https://fs-uk.com/forum/index.php?topic=195659.0

TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm finally back home and ready for working on my mods. Can you please explain more detail what kind of problems have the fuel usage with MR?

Dzi4d3k commented 7 years ago

@TyKonKet I think that this is the case post: https://www.fs-uk.com/forum/index.php?topic=195661.msg1273342#msg1273342 Maybe the solution is to auto-deactivate your mod on MR-converted vehicles and activate only on non-MR?

TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

Nono, i want fix it in the right way, any suggestions on how to reproduce the issues?

turbostar190 commented 7 years ago
  • better fuel usage mod -> lose of power, incorrect fuel usage

Just the time to find some topic where users explain the problem and I will send you https://www.fs-uk.com/forum/index.php?topic=195659.msg1273124#msg1273124

turbostar190 commented 7 years ago

https://www.fs-uk.com/forum/index.php?topic=195659.msg1274070#msg1274070 https://www.fs-uk.com/forum/index.php?topic=195659.msg1274075#msg1274075

TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

dove posso trovare un trattore che abbia questo genere di problemi?

turbostar190 commented 7 years ago

I trattori originali "sovrascritti" dalla mod che trovi in moreRealistic.zip\data\vehiclesOverriding_database.xml Il download lo trovi qui: https://www.fs-uk.com/forum/index.php?topic=195659.msg1273121#msg1273121 P.S.: Non ho mai testato personalmente mr + better fuel usage e ti riporto quello che segnalano altri

TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

I trattori originali "sovrascritti" dalla mod che trovi in moreRealistic.zip\data\vehiclesOverriding_database.xml Il download lo trovi qui: https://www.fs-uk.com/forum/index.php?topic=195659.msg1273121#msg1273121 P.S.: Non ho mai testato personalmente mr + better fuel usage e ti riporto quello che segnalano altri

Ok proverò meglio, ma da quello che ho visto con un test veloce, sembra che con l'ultima versione di mr non ci siano grossi problemi.

Dwinesk commented 7 years ago

I had stopped using it on a previous version of 'mr' which froze the controls when used together. The current version does work but because your mod overwrites some of the same vales as 'mr' yours are used instead of 'mr'. A good example is the JYMPA ripper/plough mod (can be found on the GIANTS mod hub) the 5.7m variant cannot be used with better fuel as it causes the implement to skip along the ground. 'MR' had a similar issue but it was fixed there. I suggest if possible:

1). Insert code into your mod that deactivate certain features if 'mr' is detected to be active in the mod folder. or 2). Create an 'mr' specific version of your mod that lacks the things that 'mr' will take care of e.g. the tool power requirements and other physics just to mention a few.

TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

I'm going to disable conflicting features when a vehicle is mr, in this way we will get the best of both mods.

Dzi4d3k commented 7 years ago

I think it is good compromise, but will we still have the visual effects of fuel usage in MR vehicles?

Dwinesk commented 7 years ago

I agree to that. I'm sure people on here will test the changes and advise accordingly... Question though, some features of 'mr' were applied to vehicles even if they were not specifically an 'mr' vehicle. How do you plan to deal with that? Could it be set up such that if 'mr' is present your mod prioritizes using those conflicting vales provided by 'mr' rather than it's own..? Or am I thinking too much into it?

TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

I think it is good compromise, but will we still have the visual effects of fuel usage in MR vehicles?


TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

I agree to that. I'm sure people on here will test the changes and advise accordingly... Question though, some features of 'mr' were applied to vehicles even if they were not specifically an 'mr' vehicle. How do you plan to deal with that? Could it be set up such that if 'mr' is present your mod prioritizes using those conflicting vales provided by 'mr' rather than it's own..? Or am I thinking too much into it?

I can easily know if mr is "installed" and if a vehicle is full or partial mr, so i can change behaviour of bfu based on that.

TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

Guys, if you want to try this version and let me know, i would be glad 😄

Dwinesk commented 7 years ago

Initial tests show that the display you have on the inside of the speedometer is deactivated on all default in-game vehicles... I'm guessing cause they all count as 'mr' vehicles. Is there a way to still have it functioning? Now back to more testing.

TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

Please send some screenshots because with mr vehicles i don't find any problems.

Dwinesk commented 7 years ago

@TyKonKet 20170704154046_1 20170704154200_1

First pic is of the Big Bud 450 from the DLC. (I'm sure this is not an 'mr' vehicle cause of GIANTS "hidding" the code so people have to buy it or else it would probably end up as a mod). Second is on an in-game truck.

In both cases the vehicle is on. I even have given it some gas. As you can see the truck has the bar in the speedo but it doesn't animate.

turbostar190 commented 7 years ago

Sorry @Dwinesk , but I wrote in Italian so I can speak easily with Tykon. @TyKonKet , con un veicolo mr c'è il comando "debugf" o "debug" (non ricordo se sia stato cambiato dal primo al secondo) e dovrebbe esserci fra tutte le informazioni anche il consumo attuale. Potresti chiedere a Dural se è possibile chiamare la sua funzione di calcolo consumi e visualizzarla nell'hud anziché lasciare giustamente vuoto per non fare conflitti

TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

@turbostar190 il consumo me lo calcolo già semplicemente facendo via via la differenza di carburante presente, infatti ora con i veicoli mr funziona, da quello che ho capito sembra che non funzionino più tutti gli altri veicoli.

turbostar190 commented 7 years ago

Appena torno a casa proverò anche io, ma penso che Dwinesk intenda che sui veicoli mr non si veda più il contatore animato interno al contatore Giants della velocità

Dwinesk commented 7 years ago

I have also noticed that the exhaust effects that your mod gives to vehicles seems to be affected by the issue I pointed out above. On in-game vehicles instead of transparent-white-black smoke your mod used to give (depending on the engine load) now there is a constant black/transparent smoke "cone/box". Not pleasant at all. Mod vehicles still get the great effects.

Dwinesk commented 7 years ago

20170704202302_1 20170704202336_1

In these pictures you can see the exhaust effect on in-game vehicles with 'bfu' enabled. Also, please take note of the fuel consumption figures. 1st pic, cruise control is on 'bfu' fuel usage matches 'gearbox addon' (within margin of error). 2nd pic, I just let off the accelerator and let the tractor coast and the fuel usage immediately fell to 0 "zero" in both meters. I'm sure that shouldn't be the case. Vehicles should only read zero fuel usage when off.

Dzi4d3k commented 7 years ago

This is also the case when you are braking with engine. Every car computer will show you that, I can't imagine why tractors should be different.

turbostar190 commented 7 years ago

@TyKonKet Io ho provato mr + bfu e funziona, ma non sempre. Con gli operai inseriti o in decelerazione il valore segnato dalla bfu diventa 0, mentre rimane sempre giusto quello reale visibile con il comando console "debug" della mr. Con i veicoli non mr non ci sono problemi

turbostar190 commented 7 years ago

E dimenticavo di menzionare il brusco cambio di consumi visualizzati, anche sullo stesso tipo di terreno, dovuti a minimi cambi di rpm ma attribuibili in principio alla mr, perché anche nella modalità "debug" sono presenti

TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

Io al momento ho fatto come mi avete chiesto voi, ovvero se un veicolo è MR, disattivo la mia funzione di consumo e lascio quella MR, limitandomi solo mostrare il consumo (quello che viene mostrato nella schermata debug). Quindi se quando lasci l'acceleratore il consumo va a 0 o se ci sono bruschi cambi di consumo attualmente non dipende più da me ma dalla MR e di conseguenza dovete parlare con Dural. Se invece non funziona il l'indicatore del carico del motore o l'effetto di scarico, quello dipende ancora da me e devo fixarlo.

At the moment I did as you asked me, that is, if a vehicle is MR, I disable my consumption function and leave the MR one, limiting my work only to display consumption (the one is shown in the debug screen). So if when you leave the accelerator the consumption goes to 0 or if there are abrupt changes in consumption it no longer depends on me but from MR and consequently you have to talk to Dural. If, however, the engine load indicator or exhaust effect does not work, that still depends on me and I have to fix it.

TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

About gearbox, I still need to investigate what happens.

TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

@Dwinesk I don't understand how you can encounter this kind of problems since MR + GearBox doesn't work together.

Dzi4d3k commented 7 years ago

@TyKonKet Things are changing very fast: https://www.fs-uk.com/forum/index.php?topic=195659.msg1282928#msg1282928

Dwinesk commented 7 years ago

@TyKonKet 'mr' & gearox addon do work together. Get the latest gearbox addon here on github. It is updated very regularly.

TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

Fixed with b1f8dda

turbostar190 commented 7 years ago

Dopo l'ultimo update, non sapendo se sia intenzionale o no, mentre l'operaio è inserito viene visualizzato il consumo medio nell'hud e non quello reale (entrambi calcolati dalla mr). Inoltre prossimamente ti farò sapere se è effettivamente un bug un comportamento strano che ho notato in alcune situazioni.

TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

@turbostar190 la questione è la seguente: Se hai impostato a l'operaio di comprare il carburante, la funzione di consumo carburante, invece di sottrarre il carburante ti fa spendere i soldi corrispondenti e di conseguenza non c'è modo di sapere quanto carburante sta venendo consumato quando la funzione di consumo carburante è definita da more realistic o gearbox. L'unica cosa che ho potuto fare è stato andare a leggere i valori calcolati da loro e mostrare quelli, nonostante questo ci sono ancora tre gravi problemi: 1) L'unico dato disponibile (quando c'è solo mr senza gearbox) è la media 2) La media viene calcolata solo se abiliti il debug 3) Il consumo della gearbox (quando è attivo l'operaio) tiene conto solo del consumo "a riposo" del motore

PS: Il problema di fondo è che sia il creatore della mr che gb sono un po' troppo egocentrici e quando fanno mods pensano solo per se e non agli altri modders, gli ci voleva poco a mettere una variabile con il consumo che le altre mods potessero leggere, ma invece non gli frega niente quindi più di così non si può fare.

Dzi4d3k commented 7 years ago

a mettere una variabile con il consumo che le altre mods potessero leggere

@TyKonKet Have you tried to ask dural at FSUK https://www.fs-uk.com/forum/index.php?topic=195659.0 I saw that dural changed many things on users requests

or Mogli12 here: https://github.com/Mogli12/GearboxAddon/issues

I think is it worth trying to ask both of them, as your mod adds great values to overall game experience.

TyKonKet commented 7 years ago

This is the answer of Mogli: https://www.fs-uk.com/forum/index.php?topic=195659.msg1283083#msg1283083

I can't do nothing if they don't want do nothing.

Dwinesk commented 7 years ago

@TyKonKet Well no matter what is going on with those other modders I'd like to say nice work on your part. You have done what you can on your end and it is marvelous. Hopefully one day all the egos involved can quiet down to perfect it. Optimistically looking forward to that if it does come to pass.