TyborAUT / ALVR_FreePIE_scripts

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Two PS3 move controllers with Gear VR #10

Open lucas-teks opened 5 years ago

lucas-teks commented 5 years ago

Hey, thanks for your scripts!

I was wondering, could it possibly work with Gear VR as it works with Go ? In the case I'd like to use two ps move, can I just ignore the third for the headtracking, and it should work fine as well ? Also, if I use FreePie, does it mean I wouldn't be able to play SteamVR games ?

Thank you for your time ;)

nerionx commented 5 years ago

It will work with any headset that is also supported by ALVR. which I think the Gear VR is one of them.

It actually works better with steamVr than just using PSmove bridge as it uses ALVR to send controller input to steam instead of going through the bridge (Bridge is a bit out of date and has issues controlling menus) the only real negatives are its harder to set-up and you lose haptic feedback

But yes just comment out the head movement code

lucas-teks commented 5 years ago

I'm a bit confused about the Bridges. On the PsMoveService releases page it says I will need either the PsMove SteamVR Bridge or Freepie. This script here works with FreePie which makes me think it cannot use SteamVR, but from what you say I understand I should install and use both the SteamVR bridge with FreePie.


Also if you have tried both, do you think FreePie is more performant than SteamVR Bridge with 6DoF controllers ?

nerionx commented 5 years ago

The ideal setup would be PSMove (To handle the controllers) PSMoveSteamBridge (To send to steam) ALVR (To stream the video)

However the PSMoveSteamBridge hasnt been updated to the new SteamVR API which means the controllers dont work in the menus and have other issues making them unuseable.

The idea behind the scripts here is we replace the SteamVRBridge with Freepie and let ALVR handle talking to Steam (It already does it when you use the occulus go controller)

The working setup is PSMove (Handles controllers drivers etc) PSMoveFreepieBridge (Lets freepie tell which buttons etc are pressed) Freepie (Takes the PSMove positions and button presses and passes them to ALVR) ALVR (Does video and also now handles controllers)

So if you use these scripts you shouldnt be using SteamVRBridge, but should be using the PSMoveFreepieBridge

In terms of performance I haven't noticed any differences they still use the same drivers and they behave exactly the same with the same latency

The ideal setup is easier to get going, but sadly doesnt work anymore, thats the reason these scripts exist

nerionx commented 5 years ago

I just want to add though, I dont have a VRsetup anymore and looking at the PSMoveBridge, it was updated 3 months ago.. The issues I mentioned above might be fixed, you may not need this stuff at all