Overbooking is possible when any new date from the calendar which is not selected any time and added to the cart.
I have added, time slots for different lockouts say 5, when I select the time slot and add the quantity to 10 for a new date then it is not giving an error message from our plugin and able to place the order
Overbooking is possible when any new date from the calendar which is not selected any time and added to the cart.
I have added, time slots for different lockouts say 5, when I select the time slot and add the quantity to 10 for a new date then it is not giving an error message from our plugin and able to place the order
Settings: https://prnt.sc/oqui6i , https://prnt.sc/oquib7 , https://prnt.sc/oquif9 , https://prnt.sc/oquiix