TychoTheTaco / Twitch-Drops-Bot

A Node.js bot that will automatically watch Twitch streams and claim drop rewards.
MIT License
281 stars 37 forks source link

[Bug] #252

Open zarigata opened 1 year ago

zarigata commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug The BOt When Opens the chrome it automaticly detects that it has an bot behindf and twitch wont allow to log in image

Screenshots image

Logs [2022-11-17 16:00:44] [error] Uncaught exception: Error: Page closed! at onPageClosed (file:///C:/Users/fuher/Twitch-Drops-Bot/dist/pages/login.js:36:23) at C:\Users\fuher\Twitch-Drops-Bot\node_modules\puppeteer-core\lib\cjs\third_party\mitt\index.js:3:232 at Array.map () at Object.emit (C:\Users\fuher\Twitch-Drops-Bot\node_modules\puppeteer-core\lib\cjs\third_party\mitt\index.js:3:216) at CDPPage.emit (C:\Users\fuher\Twitch-Drops-Bot\node_modules\puppeteer-core\lib\cjs\puppeteer\common\EventEmitter.js:87:22) at C:\Users\fuher\Twitch-Drops-Bot\node_modules\puppeteer-core\lib\cjs\puppeteer\common\Page.js:187:18 at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) [2022-11-17 16:00:47] [error] Error: Protocol error (Network.getCookies): Session closed. Most likely the page has been closed. at CDPSessionImpl.send (C:\Users\fuher\Twitch-Drops-Bot\node_modules\puppeteer-core\lib\cjs\puppeteer\common\Connection.js:316:35) at next (C:\Users\fuher\Twitch-Drops-Bot\node_modules\puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth\evasions\sourceurl\index.js:34:41) at CDPSessionImpl.send (C:\Users\fuher\Twitch-Drops-Bot\node_modules\puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth\evasions\sourceurl\index.js:67:18) at CDPPage.cookies (C:\Users\fuher\Twitch-Drops-Bot\node_modules\puppeteer-core\lib\cjs\puppeteer\common\Page.js:724:91) at LoginPage. (file:///C:/Users/fuher/Twitch-Drops-Bot/dist/pages/login.js:65:53) at Generator.next () at fulfilled (file:///C:/Users/fuher/Twitch-Drops-Bot/dist/pages/login.js:4:58)

C:\Users\fuher\Twitch-Drops-Bot>npm run start

twitch_drops_bot@1.3.3 start node dist/index.js

[2022-11-17 16:03:19] [info] Loading config file: config.json [2022-11-17 16:03:19] [info] Logging in... [2022-11-17 16:03:30] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:03:33] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:03:36] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:03:39] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:03:42] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:03:45] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:03:48] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:03:51] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:03:54] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:03:57] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:00] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:03] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:06] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:09] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:12] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:15] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:18] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:21] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:24] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:27] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:30] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:33] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:36] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:39] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:42] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:45] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... [2022-11-17 16:04:48] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created... Terminate batch job (Y/N)? y


OffensiveExile commented 1 year ago

See if the fix from this comment works for you.


zarigata commented 1 year ago

no, ive done this before and did not resolve

FelipeCalliari commented 1 year ago

Hi @zarigata, since you are getting this message [2022-11-17 16:03:33] [info] Waiting for cookies to be created..., it means you don't have the cookies.json.

If you have the cookies.json then try running this:

C:\Users\fuher\Twitch-Drops-Bot>node dist/index.js --cookies-path C:/Users/fuher/Twitch-Drops-Bot/cookies.json

instead of npm run start.