Tygs / 0bin

Client side encrypted pastebin
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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whatever happened to 0bin.net? #73

Closed anarcat closed 9 years ago

anarcat commented 9 years ago

it seems that http://0bin.net/ now points to a discourse instance. is that intentional? if so maybe the readme file should be updated to point to other sample sites...

SEAPUNK commented 9 years ago

Agreed. 0bin looks like it died off.

Eijebong commented 9 years ago


That's why.

If you don't speak french, takedown notice, didn't react fast enough, 0bin down (but they'll repair it :)).

anarcat commented 9 years ago

thanks for the reference! here is a translation:

We have received a takedown notice for a page on 0bin, and since we didn't react fast enough, the site was just cut off [or we cut off the site? ambiguous].

I love this justice that bypasses the legal's system advice, which reverses the burden of proof and gives power to private corporations who are judges and plaintiffs. I haven't looked at the page in question yet, but whether it is legitimate or not, the process is abhorring.

I can imagine McDonalds going to a butcher's shop:

Sir, we believe your steak copies ours, so we're closing down your shop until you stop selling it. No, we don't have authorisation from a judge, and we're not a french corporation anyways, we just pressured the owner of your building. And no, it's not [bullying?] if it's legal, sir.

On top of that, it's not as if the system wasn't already abused by the rights owner and criminals.

Short story, 0bin is down while repair all of this.

Basically, they got some legal notice and they're working on it. Interesting legal case, at the very least... As far as I know, this is the first instance of a "zero knowledge" site being targeted like this.

sametmax commented 9 years ago

And 0bin is now back :) I'm gona write a quick article on how and why and what we can do about it. But TL;DR: the more people create instances, the more reboust it will be. So maybe we should make it a distributed pastebin...

anarcat commented 9 years ago

translation of http://sametmax.com/0bin-net-est-de-nouveau-en-ligne/

0bin was down, we deleted the page in question and put it back up.

We don't exactly know how to fight this. Even TPB had to have 40 domain names to make it, and frankly we don't want to bother with that amount of work for a project that doesn't bring any revenue.

So what can we do?

First, create an admin page in 0bin to delete content more easily. That will help us comply with the delays next time because I wasn't available and Max didn't know how to do it. It's not that it's complicated, but it takes time, needs to read the documentation, connect to the server, etc. And obviously, it's time we find better spent on Dota or projects that bring in some cash.

Then take the time to remind you that 0bin.net is only one instance of 0bin. One example. Making more instances is still the best way to have the tool available. And the process is rather well documented.

But once we posted something on one instance, if it fails, what do we do?

For now, we're screwed.

We could then imagine adding distributed functionalities to 0bin. The idea would be to link trusted instances through a simple API. If someone posts on one, all the others get a copy. So in the herd, there will probably be one that will resist.

I'll try to do that in a week. Already 0bin needs to be ported to Python 3. Then some unit tests wouldn't hurt. Once that's done, I freeze this version and launch 1bin.net, the next version. With some crossbar.io, angularjs and a distributed mode. That thing will be heavier, only compatible with 2.7 and more complicated, so I prefer making it a separate version.

It's doable, if I can free up some time to do it. Stay tuned.