Tyler-pierce / giza_sphinxsearch

Sphinx Fulltext Search Client for Elixir Projects (Phoenix Example Included)
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nosql db usage #6

Open Dorfeuheinz opened 8 months ago

Dorfeuheinz commented 8 months ago

Hey, needed to play around with manticore & was wondering if instead of a primary sql db, can this be used with a nosql db? If yes, how? Because the mix task to generate sphinx config file fails due to no adapters for any sql dbs.

Id appreciate the help, thankyou

Tyler-pierce commented 7 months ago

@Dorfeuheinz good luck in your explorations. Manticore and Sphinx can be rewarding after the work is done to understand them. You can use any data source technically but I think it will require more work and possibly your own custom logic to keep your index up to date. https://manticoresearch.com/blog/can-manticore-work-without-mysql/

The config generators included in this lib only cover the most used scenarios and unfortunately i'm not working in search much at the moment so haven't updated this lib much. I think you can use this lib as a wrapper to help suite your needs (possibly with some minor additions) but majority of work may be updating your index either by producing xml/csv/etc from your source or updating via api calls