TylerBarnes / gatsby-plugin-transition-link

A link component for page transitions in gatsby
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The plugin breaks my GSAP scrollTrigger animation when i install it #280

Open StephaneBusiere opened 3 years ago

StephaneBusiere commented 3 years ago

Hello every body, i am a French web developper, i have a gatsby site where i test animations with GSAP. In my home page i have a animation based on scroll using GSAP ScrollTrigger. Everything works well untill i try to implement gatsby-plugin-transition-link. When the plugin is implemented my animations get broken, the scrolltrigger doesn't work anymore and the css is also broken. But the pages transitions using the plugin are working really well. Do you know how can i resolve this issue? Thank you !

StephaneBusiere commented 3 years ago

Hello! i find out that the "tl-edges" wrapper put the mess, if i change the css "overflow-x:hidden" by "overflow-x:hidden" my gsap animations are ok again but the page transition animation using AniLink don't work anymore. Someone have an idea what can i do to fix that? Thank you!

hotfudgecake commented 2 years ago

Hi, by chance are your animations dependent on position: sticky? I overwrote the overflow property in styles.css, maybe you can try that?