TylerBarnes / gatsby-wordpress-inline-images

Fluid images for gatsby-source-wordpress inline images in post_content
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baseUrl option is being ignored #10

Open dave-stevens-net opened 5 years ago

dave-stevens-net commented 5 years ago

I recently upgraded to vs. 1.0.0 from 0.0.1-alpha.1 and now my baseUrl option is ignored. It was attempting to use localhost instead of the baseUrl. I had to revert back to 0.0.1-alpha.1, delete .cache and public in order to get it working again with my specified baseUrl.

            resolve: `gatsby-source-wordpress`,
            options: {
                // your wordpress source
                baseUrl: `http://[mywpdomain].com:8090`,
                protocol: `http`,
                // is it hosted on wordpress.com, or self-hosted?
                hostingWPCOM: false,
                // does your site use the Advanced Custom Fields Plugin?
                useACF: true,
                verboseOutput: false,
                plugins: [
                        resolve: `gatsby-wordpress-inline-images`,
                        options: {
                            baseUrl: `http://[mywpdomain].com:8090`,
                            protocol: `http`,
                            maxWidth: 800,