Detailed Description:
Agent was in Chat Away shortly after logging on to move to phone queue while on an active chat. The chat lasted about an hour, then the agent moved to case/voice. They then noticed the Time in Ready reporting a negative number, and the RPH calculation being higher than expected.
This appears to be due to the way chats are subtracted from time in ready during calculation. Look into possibility of adding a check to first see if chat away time can be subtracted from the total chat duration before subtracting from the time in ready. Time in Ready total time was less than the total chat time subtracted from it due to chat away status.
Expected Result:
When in Chat Away, active chats during that time are not subtracted from the total time in ready.
Actual Result:
When in Chat Away, active chats are subtracted from the total time in ready instead of accounting for the Chat Away time.
Detailed Description: Agent was in Chat Away shortly after logging on to move to phone queue while on an active chat. The chat lasted about an hour, then the agent moved to case/voice. They then noticed the Time in Ready reporting a negative number, and the RPH calculation being higher than expected.
This appears to be due to the way chats are subtracted from time in ready during calculation. Look into possibility of adding a check to first see if chat away time can be subtracted from the total chat duration before subtracting from the time in ready. Time in Ready total time was less than the total chat time subtracted from it due to chat away status.
Expected Result: When in Chat Away, active chats during that time are not subtracted from the total time in ready.
Actual Result: When in Chat Away, active chats are subtracted from the total time in ready instead of accounting for the Chat Away time.