TylerTemp / SaintsField

A Unity Inspector extension tool focusing on script fields inspector enhancement
MIT License
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there is a problem Display CanvasGroup Component #7

Closed ZeroUltra closed 6 months ago

ZeroUltra commented 6 months ago

hi !!! It's me again. In Unity2022.3.16 image image image image

I tried many times, and it all turned out like this.

then, Can describe SaintsEditor in more detail?

TylerTemp commented 6 months ago


This is very weird... I also noticed that CanvasGroup inherited from Behavior rather than MonoBehavior or Component like most Unity components do (even though Behavior is inherited from Component)

I'm looking into it. Before it's fixed, here is a temporary workaround, to limit SaintsEditor on MonoBehavior & ScriptableObject only:

  1. Unapply SaintsEditor
  2. Create a folder named Editor anywhere under your Assets
  3. Create a "MyEditor.cs"(Or any name your like) and put:
using SaintsField.Editor;

[CustomEditor(typeof(UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour), true)]
public class SaintsSimpleMonoEditor : SaintsEditor

[CustomEditor(typeof(UnityEngine.ScriptableObject), true)]
public class SaintsSimpleScriptableObjectEditor : SaintsEditor
TylerTemp commented 6 months ago

Please update to 2.1.13 to see if it's fixed.


ZeroUltra commented 6 months ago

I tried it , fix the bug. In my country, we said you 666(so good awesome...)