TylerTemp / SaintsField

A Unity Inspector extension tool focusing on script fields inspector enhancement
MIT License
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[GetComponentInChildren] on a list shows list count to 1 instead of 2 (regression?) #70

Open laurentopia opened 1 month ago

laurentopia commented 1 month ago

repro: add a dummy script to both children, let's call it... Dummy.cs add a parent script FindDummy.cs [GetComponentInChildren] public List dummies; it will only finds the first dummy, this used to work image then when i open the list in the inspector it finds both image

TylerTemp commented 1 month ago

This function is, well, poorly implemented yet.

The reason of this is, array/list relies on SaintsEditor to fill some value, and only the array/list expanded, the drawer can be drawn, which is the actual filling code can work. Well, at least in IMGUI (UI Toolkit expand it by default) it is this case.

This feature will be implemented later I guess. I'm taking a short vacation aparting from my work & stuff, so will be after that.

laurentopia commented 1 month ago

awesome! I'll just keep an eye out for funky populating until then