Tympan / Tympan_Library

Arduino/Teensy Library for Tympan Open Source Hearing Aid
MIT License
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Using Tympan Library 32bit audio output code #32

Closed dchaplinsky closed 3 years ago

dchaplinsky commented 3 years ago


I'm experimenting with teensy based synth and I'd like to take an advantage of 32bit/higher samplerates that Tympan Library provides.

Is there any clues how I can use it solely for this purpose? So far I'm even failing to build a simplest example :( Maybe you can give me a hint on how I can extract audio output code only, as for my needs I don't need all the DSP related to hearing aid and peripheral (like SD).

I'd be super grateful if you can help me with that

chipaudette commented 3 years ago


This kind of discussion is much better for the forum, rather than the GitHub issue tracker. So, I started a thread over at the forum here: https://forum.tympan.org/t/examples-of-output-only-no-input/283

Oh, and as for the question regarding sample rate, you can see this forum thread: https://forum.tympan.org/t/changing-the-sample-rate/137


dchaplinsky commented 3 years ago

Thanks, William! I'll post details of my project to the forum and explain what I'm looking for tomorrow!

Have a good day!

On Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 10:47 PM Chip Audette notifications@github.com wrote:


This kind of discussion is much better for the forum, rather than the GitHub issue tracker. So, I started a thread over at the forum here: https://forum.tympan.org/t/examples-of-output-only-no-input/283


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dchaplinsky commented 3 years ago

I wrote couple of replies at the forum, would be super grateful, if you'd have a minute to glimpse through and advice.
