This group of commits was aimed at making the filters and WDRC compressors more easily accessible for people making multiband WDRC systems.
In the old system, you needed to create each individual filter and each individual WDRC and connect them together. Now, you create a single bank of filters ("filterbank") and a single bank of WDRC compressors ("compressor bank"...aka "compbank"). This makes the filters and compressors easier to create and to control.
To illustrate the easier control, the new filterbank and compbank classes also have pre-written graphical interfaces (GUI) for the TympanRemote phone app that you can invoke. You don't have to write the GUI from scratch every time! To see the new filterbank and compressor bank and GUI in action, try the example: 05-FullSystems -> WDRC_8BandFIR_full.ino. Run it on your Tympan, connect from your phone, and explore all the filter and compressor settings!
In the background, these changes also make it easier to switch from an FIR filterbank to an IIR filterbank. It also makes it easier to change the number of channels (the number of filters and the number of compressors). We have yet to add examples showing how to do these two things, but the capability is there. Ask for it on the forum!
Finally, there are still some known problems that this update does not yet fix. Most prominently, our App on iOS still has some problems connecting to the Tympan. We're working on it. Similarly, receiving audio over Bluetooth no longer seems to work. We're working on that, too.
This group of commits was aimed at making the filters and WDRC compressors more easily accessible for people making multiband WDRC systems.
In the old system, you needed to create each individual filter and each individual WDRC and connect them together. Now, you create a single bank of filters ("filterbank") and a single bank of WDRC compressors ("compressor bank"...aka "compbank"). This makes the filters and compressors easier to create and to control.
To illustrate the easier control, the new filterbank and compbank classes also have pre-written graphical interfaces (GUI) for the TympanRemote phone app that you can invoke. You don't have to write the GUI from scratch every time! To see the new filterbank and compressor bank and GUI in action, try the example: 05-FullSystems -> WDRC_8BandFIR_full.ino. Run it on your Tympan, connect from your phone, and explore all the filter and compressor settings!
In the background, these changes also make it easier to switch from an FIR filterbank to an IIR filterbank. It also makes it easier to change the number of channels (the number of filters and the number of compressors). We have yet to add examples showing how to do these two things, but the capability is there. Ask for it on the forum!
Finally, there are still some known problems that this update does not yet fix. Most prominently, our App on iOS still has some problems connecting to the Tympan. We're working on it. Similarly, receiving audio over Bluetooth no longer seems to work. We're working on that, too.