Open cab-creare-com opened 3 months ago
Adding "write" to the already existing "notify" seems easy enough, but you'll note that that's what the second UUID entry enables (for the same UUID). So, it's possible that this is a "feature" of the underlying nRF52 library from Adafruit. We'll see. The adafruit nRF52 library is (I think) mostly a wrapper around the API provided by Nordic, so hopefully we can work around it.
Another alternative is to ask the Capacitor plugin to transmit the value via "Notify" rather than through "Write"?
I don't think it's a "feature" of the Adafruit nRF52 library, since the nRF UART Service does not have this duplicated UUID:
Here's the nRF UART Service from Tympan Rev F BLE Services.txt:
"uuid": "6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e",
"characteristics": [
"uuid": "6e400003-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e",
"properties": {
"broadcast": false,
"read": false,
"writeWithoutResponse": false,
"write": false,
"notify": true,
"indicate": false,
"authenticatedSignedWrites": false,
"extendedProperties": false
"descriptors": [
"uuid": "00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
"uuid": "00002901-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
"uuid": "6e400002-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e",
"properties": {
"broadcast": false,
"read": false,
"writeWithoutResponse": true,
"write": true,
"notify": false,
"indicate": false,
"authenticatedSignedWrites": false,
"extendedProperties": false
"descriptors": [
"uuid": "00002901-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
Note that the nRF52 UART Service has a UUID = 6e400001-..., and it has one (non-writeable) characteristic with UUID = 6e400003-... and one (writeable) characteristic with UUID = 6e400002-....
Unfortunately, we might be talking about two different universes. It looks like Joel might have pre-installed nRF firmware on the Rev F that I was not expecting.
Currently, he said that he installed this:
I had thought that he was using this:
I've asked him to confirm.
If we wanted to test ourselves, we would use one of the Bluetooth test programs that are part of the "Tympan_Library" examples. Specifically, this one:
Once it's running, you can use the serial menu to send a 'v' (for 'version'). If it says "TympanBLE v0.1.0", you've got the old one. If it says "TympanBLE v0.2.4, nRF52840", you've got the new one.
UPDATE: 2024-08-27: Joel has confirmed that he is using the Apr 29 firmware at this link:
To help myself reason through the changes, I'm going to do a bit of a self-review of the code. Outside opinions are welcome!
First, here's where I define my service and characteristic IDs.
// ID Strings to be used by the nRF52 firmware to enable recognition by Tympan Remote App
uint8_t serviceUUID[] = { 0xF0, 0x28, 0xE3, 0x68, 0x62, 0xD6, 0x34, 0x90, 0x51, 0x43, 0xEF, 0xAA, 0xC6, 0x4C, 0x2F, 0xBC };
uint8_t characteristicUUID[] = { 0x3C, 0xD9, 0xF7, 0x89, 0x37, 0x37, 0xAA, 0x8F, 0x71, 0x4A , 0xAD, 0x79, 0xE7, 0xE5, 0xD1, 0x06};
Then, I instantiate a custom BLE Characteristic using the UUID above.
BLECharacteristic myBleChar = BLECharacteristic(characteristicUUID, BLENotify | BLEWrite); //from #include <bluefruit.h>
Note that we've invoked both "Notify" and "Write" for this single instance. Looking back at @cab-creare-com's screenshot, I would assume this would result in a single entry that has both "notify" and "write" set to true. But, that's not what we see. We see two seperate entries. Why? I'm not sure.
Let's keep going and see how I handle this BLECharacterstic object. Here's where I instantiate classes to provide the four different services that we currently offer:
//Create the nRF52 BLE elements (the firmware on the nRF BLE Hardware itself)
BLEDfu bledfu; // Adafruit's built-in OTA DFU service
BLEDis bledis; // Adafruit's built-in device information service
BLEUart_Tympan bleService_tympanUART; //Tympan extension of the Adafruit UART service that allows us to change the Service and Characteristic UUIDs
BLEUart bleService_adafruitUART; //Adafruit's built-in UART service
Next, here's where I invoke the services:
// Configure the standard Adafruit UART service
// Configure and Start our custom tympan-specific BLE Uart Service
// Start our custom service
myBleChar.setProperties(CHR_PROPS_NOTIFY); //is this needed?
myBleChar.setPermission(SECMODE_OPEN, SECMODE_NO_ACCESS); //is this needed?
The code above is mostly copy-paste, so I don't know what CHR_PROPS_NOTIFY
do. Maybe these three constants hold the source of the problem? I'm guessing that these items are defined in the Adafruit or nRF APIs, so I ought to find them fairly readily. Or, the problem could be in my extension of their BLEUart class when I created my BLEUart_Tympan.
Finally, just for completeness, here's where I set up the BLE advertising. Note that I have to attach our custom service to it. If our custom service isn't in the BLE advertising packet, the Tympan_Remote App doesn't recognize it as a Tympan.
// Advertising packet
// Include bleuart 128-bit uuid
Bluefruit.Advertising.addService(bleService_tympanUART); //this one is necessary for the TympanRemote App to see this device
Looking at the BLEUart.cpp from the Adafruit nRF library, I see that lin lines 51-65 that they purposely use different UUID values for TX and for RX. This correctly reflects the screenshot by @cab-creare-com, so it makes sense. That's good.
You'll note that these two UUID values are hard-coded. I cannot alter them through class method or anything. And, unfortunately, these are not the UUID values expected by the Tympan_Remote app. So, this class can't be used as-is. This is why I chose to extend the class to become "nRF52_BLEUart_Tympan.h". I extended it to allow me to se my own UUID values.
In my nRF52_BLEUart_Tympan.h, we see that my code purposely sets both the TX and RX to the same UUID. So, it makes sense that they're both showing up with the same UUID. That's good, too.
Presumably, I'm using the same UUID because that's what the old Bluetooth unit did (the BC127 from the Tympan Rev D and Rev E). The screenshot from @cab-creare-com confirms that this is what the old unit produces. It's good to see this confirmation.
It appears that the problem is that the current code produces two entries in @cab-creare-com's screenshot. The BC127 produces only produces a single entry. Why are they different? Presumably, if we can make the Tympan/Adafruit firmware show up as a single entry, it'll be the victory that we need?
Based on the two posts above, I've found the first revision to try.
First, simply try commented out the line below from nRF52_BLE_Stuff.h
Comment Out: myBleChar.setProperties(CHR_PROPS_NOTIFY); //is this needed?
In the constructor for myBleChar, I was setting the properties to WRITE+NOTIFY. In the line of code above, I'm setting the properties to just NOTIFY. This could be the problem.
Additionally, the the setPermissions() needs to be changed. Per the nRF library's BLEService.cpp, the two arguments are read permission and then write permission. So, presumably, we need both to be true. So, the line should look like:
Edit To Be: myBleChar.setPermission(SECMODE_OPEN, SECMODE_OPEN);
My main fear with this approach is that, by me inheriting from BLEUart, I'm also inheriting its behavior of trying to set up two separate characteristics.
If we really want to squeeze into one characteristic (because that's what the Tympan_Remote expects?), it seems likely that we'll have to override this inherited behavior. We'll have to re-write it to simply invoke a single characteristic, thereby maintaining both its read and write (and notify) qualities.
Re-writing more of Adafruit's BLEUart class makes me nervous because it introduces the opportunity for more bugs. If simply changing the two lines above fails to work, however, it'll have to be tried.
Better late than never: Yes, my factory Rev F is running BLE module firmware: TympanBLE v0.2.4, nRF52840
Tympan_Test_BLE: Starting setup()...
Setup complete.
SerialManager Help: Available Commands:
h: Print this help
k/K: AUDIO: Incr/Decrease Digital Gain
c/C: SYSTEM: Enable/Disable printing of CPU and Memory usage
v: BLE: Get 'Version of firmware from module
n: BLE: Get 'Name' from module
t: BLE: Get 'Advertising' statu
g : BLE: Get 'Connected' status
J: Send JSON for the GUI for the Tympan Remote App
serialManager: BLE module firmware: TympanBLE v0.2.4, nRF52840
After digging a bit deeper, it looks like I only need to override BLEUart::begin()
and not anything else in that class. That feels like a modest extension and, therefore, relatively safe.
So, I've made the changes and pushed them to a new branch of the Tympan_Sandbox repo: It compiles but it is untested (I don't have a Rev F here, nor the programming nest, nor the J-link interface).
@cab-creare-com, How fast do you want to move forward with this? If you can wait until later in the week (Friday?), I can probably come in and flash your Tympan's nRF chip. Or, we can try to set you up to do it yourself. If you want to do it yourself, let me know.
@chipaudette It can wait until Friday.
I tried the updated firmware. I think I've had success!
Below are three screenshots from the nRF Connect App. The one on the left is a Rev F where the nRF52840 is running the baseline firmware (Apr). In the middle is a Rev E, which is the old BC127 module. On the right is the Rev F where the nRF52840 is running my new candidate firmware.
As can be seen, the Apr 29 firmware generates three entries with the UUID ending "93c". The BC127 only produced one entry for the UID ending "93c". Now, with the new 8/28 firmware, our nRF52840 only produces one entry, as well.
This new 8/28 firmware does work with the TympanRemote App (on Android). Hopefully, it'll work with the Capacitor Plugin, too!
Success! Using the 8/28 firmware, we're able to use the Capacitor Plugin for BLE to communicate with the Tympan-Specific Service on both Tympan Rev E and Tympan Rev F.
We are developing an Android app using the Angular framework built with Capacitor that will use BLE to talk to the Tympan Rev F, we can successfully write to the nRF UART Service, but we get an error when our app tries to write to the Tympan-Specific Service. For comparison, we can successfully write to the Tympan-Specific Service on the Tympan Rev E.
On the Android side, we are using the Capacitor plugin for BLE: ( When we attempt to write to the characteristic, the BLE library fails in the "write" attempt, reporting that the characteristic is not writable.
We are aware that the Tympan Remote App can successfully connect to the Tympan-Specific Service on both Rev E and Rev F, but that uses a 3-year-old Cordova-derived BLE library that may lose support in future Android versions.
I suspect the issue is related to the configuration of the BLE characteristics onboard the Tympan.
Here are the BLE services advertised by the Rev E and the Rev F: Tympan Rev E BLE Services.txt Tympan Rev F BLE Services.txt
Looking specifically at the Tympan-Specific Service ("uuid": "bc2f4cc6-..."), here is the line-by-line comparison:
Of note, the Tympan-Specific Service on the Tympan Rev F has three characteristics which share a UUID, which prevents them from being uniquely targeted by a "write" command.