TyomaVader / ImGuiNotify

A (very) simple notification wrapper for Dear ImGui
MIT License
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Two tiny suggestions about c++17 and fa_solid_900.h, and a problem concerning `X` close button. #5

Closed sirlis closed 8 months ago

sirlis commented 8 months ago

1) Line 455 of ImGuiNotify.hpp:

inline std::vector<ImGuiToast> notifications;

requires stdc++17, which I suggest to explicity informed in the README.

2) Line 26 of ImGuiNotify.hpp:

#include "fa_solid_900.h"

don't know why I built with failure. Win11 with cmake, opengl, glfw, glad, imgui. I suggest remove it, seems to be of no use. Or do I made a mistake?

3) [Problem] My render result is as follows:


don't know why my X close button is so ugly.

When switching from FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAS to FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAR, the close button become ?.

TyomaVader commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the issue

  1. README will be updated.
  2. Works for me on Win11, but yes, it's a useless file, .ttf is now used instead. Thanks for noticing!
  3. Looks like all styles are set to default for you, have you disabled the EmbraceTheDarkness theme ? Make sure that colors[ImGuiCol_Button], colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] and colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] are set to the required colors. The ? when using FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAR is probably an issue with FontAwesome6, a few other icons are broken actually.
sirlis commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the issue

  1. README will be updated.
  2. Works for me on Win11, but yes, it's a useless file, .ttf is now used instead. Thanks for noticing!
  3. Looks like all styles are set to default for you, have you disabled the EmbraceTheDarkness theme ? Make sure that colors[ImGuiCol_Button], colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] and colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] are set to the required colors. The ? when using FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAR is probably an issue with FontAwesome6, a few other icons are broken actually.

Thanks for your kind response. I will check if my theme is correct. Basically, I do not modify any theme related thing. I just introduced the original imgui into my project. Anyway, not a big deal.