TypeCellOS / BlockNote

A React Rich Text Editor that's block-based (Notion style) and extensible. Built on top of Prosemirror and Tiptap.
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“Block Side Menu" CSS breaks down. bug #677

Closed musoukun closed 8 months ago

musoukun commented 8 months ago

When I set up blocknote with Vite following the tutorial, the CSS breaks down. In particular, the Sidemenu becomes completely unusable. Is there any way to fix this?

vite v5.2.6 react 18.2.0

image image

BloodBoy21 commented 8 months ago

same problem here, I'm using next 14.1.0 and tailwindcss 3.3.0

TrinhCamMinh commented 8 months ago

The solution is to install Mantine by typing this

npm install @mantine/core

Then you can import the maintine core stylecss to your project

// Import styles of packages that you've installed.
// All packages except `@mantine/hooks` require styles imports
import '@mantine/core/styles.css';

Hope this works for you 😊

YousefED commented 8 months ago

Hi! This should be fixed in the latest release

ShaquibKhanhub commented 4 months ago

Hi! This should be fixed in the latest release

I'm also getting the same error which says TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'SideMenu') and this is notion-clone hope you know about this project so basically i did everthing to counter this error but im still getting this same error entire code inside editor.ts "use client"; import as Button from "@/components/ui/button" import as DropdownMenu from "@/components/ui/dropdown-menu" import as Command from "@/components/ui/command" import as Input from "@/components/ui/input" import as Label from "@/components/ui/label" import as Popover from "@/components/ui/popover" import as Dialog from "@/components/ui/dialog" import as Skeleton from "@/components/ui/skeleton"

import { BlockNoteEditor, PartialBlock } from "@blocknote/core"; import { BlockNoteViewRaw, useCreateBlockNote } from "@blocknote/react"; import "@blocknote/core/style.css"; import '@mantine/core/styles.css'; import { useTheme } from "next-themes"; import { useEdgeStore } from "@/lib/edgestore";

interface EditorProps { onChange: (value: string) => void; initialContent?: string; editable?: boolean; }

const Editor = ({ onChange, initialContent, editable }: EditorProps) => { const { resolvedTheme } = useTheme(); const { edgestore } = useEdgeStore();

const handleUpload = async (file: File) => { const res = await edgestore.publicFiles.upload({ file, });

return res.url;


const editor: BlockNoteEditor = useCreateBlockNote({ editable, initialContent: initialContent ? (JSON.parse(initialContent) as PartialBlock[]) : undefined, uploadFile: handleUpload, });

// Update your onChange handler according to the expected signature const handleEditorChange = () => { onChange(JSON.stringify(editor.document, null, 2)); };

return (

); };

export default Editor;

matthewlipski commented 4 months ago

I don't think this is related to the closed issue, but if you're using ShadCN, you should import BlockNoteView from @blocknote/shadcn and styles from @blocknote/shadcn/style.css. If you still get the same error, comment out the shadCNComponents prop.

ShaquibKhanhub commented 4 months ago

Thank you @matthewlipski but it's already been resolve.