TypeCellOS / BlockNote

A React Rich Text Editor that's block-based (Notion style) and extensible. Built on top of Prosemirror and Tiptap.
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Shadcn CSS has global side effects (outline is lost) #787

Closed kachar closed 1 month ago

kachar commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

The styles applied with shadcn/style.css have global effects and the outline is getting disabled for all components

Lines that have the side effect are: https://github.com/TypeCellOS/BlockNote/blob/bea361e39846c26d9729a777a5cd3de1f48e8c3e/packages/shadcn/src/style.css#L76-L78

When we import react/style.css instead of shadcn/style.css the outline of inputs is visible.

To Reproduce https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-jywdw6?file=App.tsx

Import the shadcn.css

import '@blocknote/shadcn/style.css';
