TypeCellOS / BlockNote

A React Rich Text Editor that's block-based (Notion style) and extensible. Built on top of Prosemirror and Tiptap.
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Issue: Improve Documentation for TypeScript Projects and Usage Instructions #866

Closed Munna5553 closed 1 day ago

Munna5553 commented 1 week ago

The current documentation lacks details on how to use the component with TypeScript projects. Additionally, there are several issues and points of confusion that need to be addressed:

TypeScript Integration:

Please provide detailed instructions on how to integrate this component into a TypeScript project. Include the necessary prop types and examples in the documentation. Retrieving Content:

Provide a clear example of how to get the content where the user calls this component. Ensure that the example includes both the implementation and the expected output. ReactJS Usage:

The component throws an error if Mantine is not installed in a ReactJS project, but it works without Mantine in a Next.js project. Please clarify the dependencies and provide consistent instructions for both environments. Styling Issues:

When using the component, the styles are not applied correctly, causing the content to break. Provide troubleshooting steps and examples to ensure that the styles are applied correctly.

Screenshot 2024-06-26 010041

YousefED commented 6 days ago

Can you share a Stackblitz or github repo that reproduces your issues? Curious to see exactly what you're running into