TypeCobolTeam / TypeCobol-WebSite

WebSite for TypeCobol team
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Update Documentation #54

Open NicolasStr opened 5 years ago

NicolasStr commented 5 years ago

Nicolas has provided us a WebSite but now ne need to move some Wiki page to this new web site.

As a starter, I propose that everyone move a page: https://github.com/TypeCobolTeam/TypeCobol/wiki/TypeCobolFunctionsSyntax -> Jean https://github.com/TypeCobolTeam/TypeCobol/wiki/Pointer -> Florent https://github.com/TypeCobolTeam/TypeCobol/wiki/TypeCobolFunctionsCodegen -> Maxime https://github.com/TypeCobolTeam/TypeCobol/wiki/TypeCobolCodegen -> Olivier

The goal is to be sure that everybody knows how to do it.

Look af the wiki of TypeCobol-WebSite: https://github.com/TypeCobolTeam/TypeCobol-WebSite/wiki

smedilol commented 5 years ago

After disccusion with @fm-117, the character _ cause problem in our rule's name. We need to replace _ with -.

We also need to change all references to the rule in the TypeCoobl code.

The process is now: when you move the page, you also change all rule's name in the page and all references to it in TypeCobol code.