TypeCobolTeam / TypeCobol

TypeCobol is an Incremental Cobol parser for IBM Enterprise Cobol 6 for zOS syntax. TypeCobol is also an extension of Cobol 85 language which can then be converted to Cobol85.
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Exception FailRange in incremental mode #2130

Open smedilol opened 2 years ago

smedilol commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug Frequent exception when modifying Cobol source code. This seems to happen when you delete the whole source and change it (Ctrl +A, paste new source code).

L'argument spécifié n'était pas dans les limites de la plage des valeurs valides. 
Nom du paramètre : index 
à TypeCobol.Compiler.Concurrency.Requires.FailRange(String parameterName, String message)
   à TypeCobol.Compiler.Concurrency.ImmutableList`1.Node.Insert(Int32 index, T key)
   à TypeCobol.Compiler.CompilationDocument.UpdateTextLines(TextChangedEvent textChangedEvent)
   à TypeCobol.LanguageServer.Workspace.UpdateSourceFile(Uri fileUri, TextChangedEvent textChangedEvent)
   à TypeCobol.LanguageServer.TypeCobolServer.OnDidChangeTextDocument(DidChangeTextDocumentParams parameters)
   à TypeCobol.LanguageServer.VsCodeProtocol.LanguageServer.CallDidChangeTextDocument(NotificationType notificationType, Object parameters)

Expected behavior If not possible to fix it, check if possible to resynchronize the whole document.

EDIT: It happened 9 times on 2022/04/27 for one user.

fm-117 commented 2 years ago

4 new occurences on 2022/08/17

smedilol commented 1 year ago

Bug didn't happen for a long time. It should have been fixed by PR #2160 (WI #2157)

fm-117 commented 5 months ago

1 new case on 2024/03/26 with the following stack trace:

Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. (Parameter 'index')
at TypeCobol.Compiler.Concurrency.Requires.FailRange(String parameterName, String message)
at TypeCobol.Compiler.Concurrency.ImmutableList`1.Node.ReplaceAt(Int32 index, T value)
at TypeCobol.Compiler.CompilationDocument.ApplyTextChange(TextChange textChange, IList`1 documentChanges)
at TypeCobol.Compiler.CompilationDocument.<UpdateTextLines>g__InsertOrUpdate|35_0(TextChangeType type, <>c__DisplayClass35_0& , <>c__DisplayClass35_1& , <>c__DisplayClass35_2& , <>c__DisplayClass35_3& )
at TypeCobol.Compiler.CompilationDocument.UpdateTextLines(RangeUpdate[] updates)
at TypeCobol.LanguageServer.Workspace.UpdateSourceFile(Uri fileUri, RangeUpdate[] updates)
at TypeCobol.LanguageServer.TypeCobolServer.OnDidChangeTextDocument(DidChangeTextDocumentParams parameters)
at TypeCobol.LanguageServer.VsCodeProtocol.LanguageServer.CallDidChangeTextDocument(NotificationType notificationType, Object parameters, LSPProfiling lspProfiling)