TypeFox / monaco-languageclient

Repo hosts npm packages for monaco-languageclient, vscode-ws-jsonrpc, monaco-editor-wrapper, @typefox/monaco-editor-react and monaco-languageclient-examples
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Exception on startup: Unable to load theme #627

Closed DEAN-Cherry closed 3 months ago

DEAN-Cherry commented 3 months ago

Exception on startup: Unable to load theme https://github.com/TypeFox/monaco-languageclient/issues/574#issue-2008213640

I am facing the similar issue using Vite5 + Vue3 combined with monaco-languageclient due to the way it import .json file


Resulting the monaco-editor commutintg with python lsp well but no code highlights nor the vscode theme.


I have read the previous related Issue https://github.com/TypeFox/monaco-languageclient/issues/574#issue-2008213640 but still don't know how to fix Any help would be appreciated.

DEAN-Cherry commented 3 months ago

Just found new doc here about Vite related problem https://github.com/CodinGame/monaco-vscode-api#if-you-use-vite And it works! Thanks to myself 😄 Sorry to bother, I will close this Issue image