TypeFox / yang-lsp

A Language Server for YANG
Apache License 2.0
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Revision-date issue #104

Closed RimShao closed 6 years ago

RimShao commented 6 years ago

Hi Jan,

When the “Revision-date” is used within import, now typefox framework support parsing the yangfile@revison-date.yang (for example ericsson-yang-extensions@2018-02-19.yang).

Module ericsson-yang-extensions@2018-02-19 { Revision “2018-02-19” { description "Added preliminary."; } }

Module Ericsson-lm {
… import ericsson-yang-extensions { prefix yexte; revision-date "2018-02-19"; }


In practical we have another use case : yang modeling file without specifying “@revision-date” as the file name, and the other module import with specifying the existed revision date, this case now is not supported by typefox. Example:

Module ericsson-yang-extensions { Revision “2018-02-19” { description "second version."; } }

Module Ericsson-lm { … import ericsson-yang-extensions { prefix yexte; revision-date "2018-02-19"; }


Can typefox be improved to support the second case ?

JanKoehnlein commented 6 years ago

I am a bit confused, as I think it is completely the other way around: We currently support linking against a revision statement, but not against the file name.

Anyway, I take it that you want both to be possible, so I will implement the 'revision by filename' case.

JanKoehnlein commented 6 years ago


RimShao commented 6 years ago

Hi Jan,

Sorry for the late reply, now I come back to verify the use case with latest code. the problem still exists:

ERROR (org.eclipse.xtext.diagnostics.Diagnostic.Linking) 'Couldn't resolve reference to Revision '2016-09-27'.' on RevisionDate, offset 211, length 12

use case :

Module ericsson-yang-extensions { Revision “2018-02-19” { description "second version."; } }

Module Ericsson-lm { … import ericsson-yang-extensions { prefix yexte; revision-date "2018-02-19"; } }

JanKoehnlein commented 6 years ago

After adding prefix and namespace in both files, fixing the caps, and replacing the quotes around the revision date with regular ones it works like a charm here:


module ericsson-yang-extensions {
    prefix e;
    namespace "urn:e";
    revision "2018-02-19" {
        description "second version.";


module Ericsson-lm {
    prefix f;
    namespace "urn:e";
    import ericsson-yang-extensions {
    prefix yexte;
    revision-date "2018-02-19";
RimShao commented 6 years ago

Hi Jan,

no, it does not work.

for sure I have the prefix and namespace in both files and even the caps is not in my modeling.

now I show you my complete modeling

ericsson-yang-extensions.yang ========>

module ericsson-yang-extensions { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:rdns:com:ericsson:oammodel:ericsson-yang-extensions"; prefix yexte ;

organization  "Ericsson AB";
contact "Ericsson first line support via email";
description "The module defines Ericsson proprietary YANG extensions.

Copyright (c) 2016 Ericsson AB. All rights reserved.

Extensions MUST be defined with the following structure in the 
description statement:
    - What is this statement. 
    - Newline, 
    - This statement can be a substatement of the xxx statements with 
    cardinality x..y. 
    - This statement can have the following substatements with 
    cardinality x..y.
    - Newline. 
    - The argument its meaning and type. Preferably use YANG types and 
        constraints to define the argument's type. 

revision "2017-06-06" {
    description "Added preliminary.";
    yexte:version "2";
    yexte:release "1";
    yexte:correction "2";

revision "2017-05-11" {
    description "Updated supported-features, static-data 
        removed not-notifiable.";
    yexte:version "2";
    yexte:release "0";
    yexte:correction "2";

revision "2016-12-08" {
    description "Defined standard texts to be included in the description.
        Made resolution a substatement of range similar to tailf:step.
        Added module-conformance-import.";
    yexte:version "1";
    yexte:release "2";
    yexte:correction "0";

revision "2016-09-27" {
    description "Added static data";
    yexte:version "1";
    yexte:release "1";
    yexte:correction "0";

revision "2016-07-01" {
    description "Initial version";
    yexte:version "1";
    yexte:release "0";
    yexte:correction "0";



ericsson-test-draftmodule.yang ========>

module ericsson-test-draftmodule { yang-version "1.1"; namespace "urn:rdns:com:ericsson:oammodel:ericsson-test-draftmodule"; prefix testa;

import ericsson-yang-extensions { 
prefix yexte; 
revision-date "2016-09-27";

organization "Ericsson AB";
contact "Ericsson first line support via email";
description "The EYANG Fault Management model.

    Copyright (c) 2016 Ericsson AB. All rights reserved.";


JanKoehnlein commented 6 years ago

Aha, that's by design. For linking, we only consider the latest revision of a module. So revision-date 2017-06-06 works as expected.

See our discussion on that on https://github.com/theia-ide/yang-lsp/issues/99