TypeStrong / tsify

Browserify plugin for compiling TypeScript
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Relative path to definitions file when project directory is a symlink #119

Closed sta-ger closed 7 years ago

sta-ger commented 8 years ago

Hi! My working directory is a symlink. When I'm trying to declare a relative path to definitions file

/// <reference path="../../../../../typings/howlerjs/howler.d.ts" />

I have an error

Error TS2300: Duplicate identifier 'HowlerGlobal'

But if I'll try to declare an absolute path to the source directory

/// <reference path="c:/proj/typings/howlerjs/howler.d.ts" />

everything works fine.

Is this an issue or I'm doing something wrong?

cartant commented 7 years ago

This is not directly related to tsify. It is a TypeScript problem, as it's a TypeScript error that you are receiving. Clearly, this is an old issue, but if still have problems of this nature, you might receive more assistance on StackOverflow.