Typesetter / Typesetter

Open source CMS written in PHP focused on ease of use with true WYSIWYG editing and flat-file storage.
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Template influences #637

Closed gtbu closed 4 years ago

gtbu commented 4 years ago

Some time ago You had doubts that a template can influence the admin-ui. I made an fresh 52RC - installation with a smartstrap3-template. In the cms - dropdowns the letters are magnified, - and also some headings of ckeditor have big letters The cms itself is not influenced. The smartstrap has no thick nav-letters rcletters This effect is not in the CE-Version - and there ist still the problem of portability of pictures of installations in a subdirectory: /data/_uploaded/image/.. becomes /www/tprc/data/_uploaded/image/..

( despite from that 52RC is a bit safer, the styling of the filemanger - flat and strange blue - and the styling of ckeditor is ""not my taste"" - i would clearly use the CE-Version otherwise. Microsoft has a team of designers and ask groups of people for their taste ) - but You and others dont listen to me anyway - so....

juek commented 4 years ago

Some time ago You had doubts that a template can influence the admin-ui.

Must have been a misunderstanding. There is absolutely no doubt that a theme can do that.

… smartstrap3-template. In the cms - dropdowns the letters are magnified

I don't have your theme but your screenshot looks pretty much like there is a

.submenu {
  font-size: 16px !important;  

ruleset somewhere in your stylesheets. If so, try to use higher specificity and get along without !important. The latter will always overrule, specificity and precedence, for same element selectors.

filemanger - flat …

Well, there may be a renaissance of skeuomorphism someday, but not much is yet to be seen.

… and strange blue

Edit /include/thirdparty/elFinder/themes/material/images/icons-big.svg and /include/thirdparty/elFinder/themes/material/images/icons-small.svg and replace all occurrences of #1565c0 with a non-strange color.

juek commented 4 years ago

Microsoft has a team of designers and ask groups of people for their taste

Didn't work too well with the Windows 8 Metro UI. Probably The Most Epic Design Fail of all time ;)

gtbu commented 4 years ago

The microsoft-team changes all 2 years - win 8 is not win 10 - if the menus were like actual win 10 - OK. ( Skins : https://github.com/lokothodida/elfinder-theme-windows-10 ; https://www.drupalaid.com/blog/enhancing-ckeditor-in-drupal-8 elfinder-drupal ; https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder ) : replace include\thirdparty\elFinder\themes material-theme with another material - theme (https://github.com/RobiNN1/elFinder-Material-Theme) ! - or add 2 more and let the user the choice !

juek commented 4 years ago

i never styled that way - it is bootstrap and smartmenus.

It's not Bootstrap. I don't feel like making remote diagnoses. Open the inspector and find out where the large font sizes come from. It's so easy: 2 clicks, 5 seconds. I'm getting tired of discussing basic CSS debugging.

Evtl. an !important for the CMS-submenus could be a solution.

Sure, let's just add a thousand !importants everywhere. No, we won't care about every thinkable theming or scripting stupidities that enforce their own style across all boundaries to the whole document scope. The C in CSS means 'cascading'. The cause of your issue is simply poor CSS.

For the rest: it's all about your taste, which you think is the only good one. Everybody else will most likely disagree.

Don't scold - fork it and change it to your liking. It's all FOSS.

gtbu commented 4 years ago

In the admin.scss are several inherits. The 'bug' is not at xampp but only in the web. And : Its not a stupidity .... Everybody else will most likely disagree....no - just the few developers

juek commented 4 years ago

In the admin.scss are several inherits.

CSS inheritance is about (parent) elements in the DOM tree. Elements do not inherit rules from elsewhere defined CSS rulesets. That would be specificity. A very common misconception BTW.