Replace some path: Replace "subprojects\ffmpeg => "..\..\subprojects\ffmpeg in all *.vcxproj files in the build directory (build-vs2019\).
In my case: 136 times to replace in 6 files (build-vs2019-test\subprojects\ffmpeg\8fd69c1@@????@sta.vcxproj)
Open Aegisub.sln and build
All those wrong paths in step 2 are using by CustomBuild, source files usually are *.asm.
Maybe is an upstream bug about custom build.
I mean that the VS 2019 project can be generated by
meson --backend=vs2019
, and then compiling and debugging using its GUI.The output VS 2019 project files still have some bugs, here are some workarounds:
meson -Ddefault_library=static --force-fallback-for=zlib,harfbuzz,freetype2,fribidi,libpng -Dfreetype2:harfbuzz=disabled -Dharfbuzz:freetype=disabled -Dharfbuzz:cairo=disabled -Dharfbuzz:glib=disabled -Dharfbuzz:gobject=disabled --backend=vs2019 build-vs2019
in all*.vcxproj
files in the build directory (build-vs2019\
). In my case: 136 times to replace in 6 files (build-vs2019-test\subprojects\ffmpeg\8fd69c1@@????@sta.vcxproj
and buildAll those wrong paths in step 2 are using by
, source files usually are*.asm
. Maybe is an upstream bug about custom build.