Tyrsis / EssentialsPlugin

Dedicated Essentials Plugin
15 stars 8 forks source link

Latest Patch Issues #98

Open Lordicon opened 9 years ago

Lordicon commented 9 years ago

Seems the new patch i causing issues which is messing with the essentials. Entities are not displaying at all and getting errors with some of the plugin settings.

devu commented 9 years ago

I am getting Vrage.Utils.MyStringId method missing from Vrage.Library error. Esentials runs and perform most of the tasks but in-game chat commands are broken. Duplicated entities etc. Never had this problem before.

Lordicon commented 9 years ago

This is what I am getting on load..

2015-03-27 13:57:12.806 - Handler Problems: 400 - System.TypeLoadException: Coul d not load type 'VRage.Utils.MyStringId' from assembly 'VRage.Library, Version=1 .0.0.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. at SEModAPIInternal.API.Entity.BaseObject..ctor(MyObjectBuilder_Base baseEnti ty) at SEModAPIInternal.API.Entity.BaseEntity..ctor(MyObjectBuilder_EntityBase ba seEntity) in d:\BC\SpaceEngineers\SE-Community-Mod-API\SEModAPIInternal\API\Enti ty\BaseEntity.cs:line 71 at SEModAPIInternal.API.Entity.Sector.SectorObject.CubeGridEntity..ctor(FileI nfo prefabFile) in d:\BC\SpaceEngineers\SE-Community-Mod-API\SEModAPIInternal\AP I\Entity\Sector\SectorObject\CubeGridEntity.cs:line 59 at EssentialsPlugin.ProcessHandler.ProcessCommunication.AddGlobalRelay() at EssentialsPlugin.ProcessHandler.ProcessCommunication.Handle() at EssentialsPlugin.Essentials.<>cDisplayClass2.b0()