Tyrsis / EssentialsPlugin

Dedicated Essentials Plugin
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Problems with first steps with Extender/Essentials #99

Open radaranlage opened 9 years ago

radaranlage commented 9 years ago

Taken from the post I made in the forum thread first, sorry for that, I'm still maybe a bit to hesitant to use github, but for sure you would want all that stuff in a more convenient way to keep track off then the forum.

Also I should point out before hand maybe that I just realised that I have access over SESM to what I least think is the folder of the essentials. In the moment I have the problem that I don't know where the default config file should be and what it is called. Do I have to put my config into that comm beacon? :)

So here is what I posted:

--------- snip --------------

Hello dodexahedron :) (or to anyone else who reads that)

Being new to Extender/Essentials I would love to talk to you, at least short, via chat or skype. But being a skype-noob also, the hint "modding community" was not enough.

So here is my question and a bit of environmental info: I'm the one who has to get the Extender/Essentials to get going for our server, but I have no physical access to the machine. I read the docu and are running under the assumption that I can control all settings over the chat (except what has to be put into the startup options). Doing first steps first I have successfully set the command "/admin settings loginenabled set enabled" But then I run into problems when I start to get a greeting going.

I'm not sure if I read/understood the docu right. Do I have to first add items into the greeting? Please be aware that I have no idea or access of the gui/configfile part of this wonder- and powerful tool. Is the Greeting something like a list and I have to enable first the fields before I can fill them? Is this what it is meant when the docu mentions arrays and add?

I read the thread here to at least the point where you mentioned you can be reached over skype, but most of what I saw was people having at least some access to the physical machine and examples for doing the configuration over gui/config file, or? Correct me if I'm wrong :)

I think with some pastebin or their like of some initial "/admin setting ..."-commands I would be on my way. I have only a basic problem of understanding of the ways of the essentials here, at least I think. Any help would be most appreciated :)

Edit: Come to think, I mean has anyone ever setup the Essentials by chat? Or should I just go ahead and edit me a local config and then get me that switched on the machine? I mean, I was just reading the docu and thought, ok, I can do that by chat, cool ...

Edit: Maybe I should have put the chatcommands here that I have problems with m) When I do "/admin settings greetingenabled set enable", the command goes through, but then "/admin settings greetingenabled" returns me still "Getting Value(s) for setting: greetingenabled (newline) GreetingEnabled: False"

Edit: But as I just see, when I set the command "/admin settings loginenabled" this returns me also false. I start to think that I maybe encountering a permission problem here. Like the Essentials have no write permissions on their own setting file ...

--------- snip --------------

best possible greetings from ((((( radar )))))

radaranlage commented 9 years ago

ok, so is the config file called maybe "Essentials-Settings.xml" and is it right that this needs to be generated at least one time from the gui?

Could someone help me out maybe with a example "Essentials-Settings.xml" that I think then only had to put into the Essentials folder over SESM?

radaranlage commented 9 years ago

OK, I got a config file. I talked a fourth person through the install of extender/essentials and he got me a config. The whole thing failed for me on my win7/64. He had an win8/64. Could be also some local issue with my setup. I think I can manage from here. But, for real, I felt so damm stupid the whole day. Looking at the game, back at the docu, googling like mad.

I would like to point out that I at least did not found that part anywhere in the docu, that you have to create an initial config file over the gui. I found that after hours of search mentioned in one of the issues. And the docu states that you can make all settings with /admin. So if someone comes like me, which is prone to happen with game servers with no desktop accesss, and even worse with me than maybe the normal windows user, because I'm used to do all the config of servers in the shell, and does only read the part of "you can do all parts of the settings over chat" and is happy with that, he or she will run in the same hole.

I dont find Essentials-Settings.xml anywhere mentioned on the main page of Essentials. That would maybe a good thing to add.

Also maybe an example Essentials-Settings.xml linked or marked as something maybe liked example-Essentials-Settings.xml and putted in the release would maybe a good idea.

I will try to get some text going, maybe you want to use it.

I will leave this open, at least for the moment, I'm a github noob and are not sure if I can comment after close.

Keep up the good work, I love this tool! :)

radaranlage commented 9 years ago

so for anyone else having this issue and finding this post, here is some more or probably less complete example for "Essentials-Settings.xml" which has to be put into mods/Essentials.

We just filled in some testdata over the gui and hit save, so don't take this file and go right ahead and put it in your world, that will probably not work.

But one should be able to manage from here together with the docu, at least that is what I hope right now :D

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PluginSettings xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <NewUserTransportSpawnShipNames />
      <NotificationItemsRan />
      <NotificationItemsRan />
radaranlage commented 9 years ago

I, oh noes, did I posted into the right essentials thread? Is this the old one? Tyrsis, did I just spammed your issues?

(actually, really I think you have to sort that out in some way. When one googles for the Extender/Essentials, I at least think he will find the old version of it first. Like I did. And two other people I know. One repo has to go away, I think at least. And the dev then only being mentioned in the doc. But with two repo's available and the outdated one favorited by google, it will happen over and over that one will use the wrong version, like me)

radaranlage commented 9 years ago

And I'm sorry that I called this wonderful software a "tool". Who ever made this, right now I'm not sure if Tyrsis was the initial developer, and worked on it, is actually a catalytic converter :) I did not get it to run and love the basic concepts that I understand from the docu.

radaranlage commented 9 years ago

And would like to help, even if it would be only with writing documentation.

First thing I would advertise to do, is to build some basic version of a commented /mods/Essentials/doc/Essentials-Settings.xml.example or whatever the path would be.

After I got it working and understand what the tags are standing for.

And I would also propose to include the available docu as /mods/essentials/doc/readme.txt or something a like.

I am aware that this whole topic would be much like a running target, writing documentation for a always trying to keeping up third-party software, but one has to start at some time, or?

(Please hide me into oblivion, if you feel annoyed, I would not have liked to disturb you in your progress.)