Tyrsis / SE-Community-Mod-API

Space Engineers Community Modding API
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Crash on startup #16

Closed PrivateAlpha closed 9 years ago

PrivateAlpha commented 9 years ago

Console log: https://gist.github.com/PrivateAlpha/0682e0d6ea1ffc56db2d Version v0.2.11.34-alpha Game Version: 1060022(Latest)

Crashing on startup, any ideas?

rogeriocamorim commented 9 years ago

SEModAPI.API.GameInstallationInfoException This file is a copy / past from steam? "C:\SpaceEngineersServer\DedicatedServer64>SEServerExtender.exe"

PrivateAlpha commented 9 years ago

@rogeriocamorim No, I use Steamcmd to download/update the dedicated server only

rogeriocamorim commented 9 years ago

Try to reinstal becouse SEModAPI.API.GameInstallationInfoException maybe something about instalation folder.

LordNex commented 9 years ago

Im receiving errors on shutdown or reboot. Doesn't seem to matter if its an auto reboot or if its a manual shut down and restart. If im running in a GUI environment and its auto restarting. I end up with several extra processes running alongside the main one. They also have dialog errors but show nothing in Event Viewer or much in the log files that I can find. I was able to locate the below.

My startup line looks like this and is also the same for my service if I run it that way and also in the line of the restart command for Essentials

C:\SEDedicated\SEServerExtender.exe autostart restartoncrash instance="POWSE" path="C:\SEDedicated\POWSE"


PrivateAlpha commented 9 years ago

@LordNex 's startup line seems to have done the trick. thanks

LordNex commented 9 years ago

Glad it helped!