TysonAndre / phan

Phan is a static analyzer for PHP. Phan prefers to avoid false-positives and attempts to prove incorrectness rather than correctness.
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Publish snippets for syntax highlighting support for custom php tags in editors (vim) #161

Open TysonAndre opened 6 years ago

TysonAndre commented 6 years ago

E.g. for vim (.vim/syntax/php.vim):

" unrelated
syn keyword phpType void

syntax match phpDocTags "@phan-\(forbid-undeclared-magic-\(properties\|methods\)\|closure-scope\|file-suppress\|suppress\|method\|output-reference\|override\|param\|property-read\|property\|property-write\|return\|unused-param\|var\|var-force\)" containedin=phpComment