TysonMN / tysonmn.github.io

Blog of Tyson Williams about software engineering and functional programming
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2020-07-29_everything_the_windows_search_utility #11

Closed utterances-bot closed 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago



dharmaturtle commented 3 years ago

Ah, I love Everything. Looking for your SQL Server database files so you can restore a backup? Search for .mdf! Looking for your user directory? Type in your username! Looking for that log file that an error message just told you about? Sort by Date Modified - you don't even need to type in the log file name!

The best thing about Everything is that I get to be messy. I don't have to spend time/braincycles developing/navigating complex folder directories. I just throw all the files into a folder, and rely on Everything to find stuff.

It has pretty good integration with Windows File Explorer too; right click any folder (or a blank space in the current folder) to get an option to search that specific folder for stuff.