Tyzer34 / plexMusicPlayer

Playback music with Alexa from your Plex Server!
GNU General Public License v3.0
35 stars 19 forks source link

"I was not able to find Aerosmith in your library." #17

Closed Loginno closed 7 years ago

Loginno commented 7 years ago

Hey Bjorn,

Any idea why Alexa can't find anything in my Plex library?

I've done everything, committed the code to Heroku, did the requested tweaking, and nothing... it's like my library contains 0 songs whereas it contains 17,000...

All responses look like this:

{ "version": "1.0", "response": { "outputSpeech": { "type": "PlainText", "text": "I was not able to find Aerosmith in your library." }, "shouldEndSession": true }, "sessionAttributes": {} }

Where should I start looking?



Tyzer34 commented 7 years ago

Hi! You should go to the Heroku dashboard and check the logs there. If you could provide them, it would give a lot more insight on the matter.

Loginno commented 7 years ago

Thanks! Dang it. Did not take care of log util. This is what Heroku has (from the last hour or so...)

2017-01-30T19:20:19.005064+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Unidling 2017-01-30T19:20:19.005360+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from down to starting 2017-01-30T19:20:23.452261+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command waitress-serve --port=36126 server:application 2017-01-30T19:20:26.445444+00:00 app[web.1]: Serving on 2017-01-30T19:20:27.087887+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to up 2017-01-30T19:20:28.149260+00:00 app[web.1]: https://*hidden-ip*/search?query=Aerosmith&X-Plex-Token=Qu7DyB6w1JiatxoXN7pW&type=8 2017-01-30T19:20:28.664968+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=POST path="/plex" host=hidden-host request_id=10fdccde-2251-4a4d-974c-a6b4116b9c33 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=606ms status=200 bytes=337 2017-01-30T19:20:28.694424+00:00 app[web.1]: ERROR:requests.packages.urllib3.connection:Certificate did not match expected hostname: hidden-ip. Certificate: {'subject': ((('commonName', '.proxytoken.plex.direct'),),), 'subjectAltName': [('DNS', '.proxytoken.plex.direct')]} 2017-01-30T19:20:47.184303+00:00 app[web.1]: https://*hidden-ip*:*hidden-port*/search?query=Aerosmith&X-Plex-Token=*hidden-plextoken*&type=8 2017-01-30T19:20:47.756344+00:00 app[web.1]: ERROR:requests.packages.urllib3.connection:Certificate did not match expected hostname: hidden-ip. Certificate: {'subject': ((('commonName', '.d9ba61b0c9244cc6a60ed468efc06968.plex.direct'),),), 'subjectAltName': [('DNS', '.d9ba61b0c9244cc6a60ed468efc06968.plex.direct')]} 2017-01-30T19:20:47.725354+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=POST path="/plex" host=hidden-host request_id=51d07894-6484-4464-b8ae-5af4e63ea033 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=629ms status=200 bytes=337

Tyzer34 commented 7 years ago

The problem that is occurring is that the certificate found on the host device of your Plex server does not match it's ip address. This is because the environmental variable on Heroku for the Plex URL is set to a direct link, rather than the Plex Proxy link. The difference is that the Plex Proxy link offers that https connection, while the direct link does not support this, causing application failure. You should set your Heroku environmental variable to the following url: hidden-link (Also, be wary with posting your ip-address and open ports online)

Loginno commented 7 years ago

{ "version": "1.0", "response": { "outputSpeech": { "type": "PlainText", "text": "Playing Aerosmith from Shachar-PC." }, "shouldEndSession": true }, "sessionAttributes": {} }

You got it! Thank you! How did you come up with the exact URL?

Tyzer34 commented 7 years ago

Glad to hear I could be of help! Each plex proxy url is unique, but they are always composed in the same way. Because of your logs, I was able to compose it manually :) The first part is your ip-address, followed by the 'plex proxy token' .plex.direct, followed by your plex port :)

Loginno commented 7 years ago

Thank you again! You can delete the sensitive info please...

You rock!