Tyzer34 / plexMusicPlayer

Playback music with Alexa from your Plex Server!
GNU General Public License v3.0
35 stars 19 forks source link

*Almost* working via Centos7+httpd+wsgi+ssl+python2.7 #27

Open utorth opened 7 years ago

utorth commented 7 years ago

I'm so excited to get this working!! I'm not sure if you can help me, but everything is working: Httpd/SSL---->WSGI--->Plexmusicplayer (with correct permissions). I've been putting some print statements in my wsgi log to see if the URL is correct and it is. I see your script spitting out the correct XML MediaContainer when I request the artist/song, but amazon isn't seeing it for some reason and sending this response:

{ "version": "1.0", "response": { "outputSpeech": { "type": "PlainText", "text": "I was not able to find blackened by Metallica in your library." }, "shouldEndSession": true }, "sessionAttributes": {} }

Can you verify if this is correct modification in the methods.py file below? Basically, I just replaced the os.environ variables with my plex server info (which I have changed below for security):

stream_base_url = "https://999-9-9-9.029438lakfmlskfjlkjlsksfjdld472a45345345534.plex.direct:32400" plex_token = "X-Plex-Token=" + "kalskfjdlsdkfjlsdkjslfdksdfsdf" try: base_url = "https://192-168-1-2.029438lakfmlskfjlkjlsksfjdld472a45345345534.plex.direct:32400" except: base_url = stream_base_url

Anything else I missed? Thoughts?

I'd be glad to help out with the project in any way! After I get this working, I'd be happy to provide documentation for those trying to set this up from scratch on their local boxes and skipping the third party (Heroku).

utorth commented 7 years ago

Oh, and here's the JSON that was sent, which resulted in the "not found" above (with ID information changed):

{ "session": { "sessionId": "SessionId.SLFDKJLKJ-5SDADc5-8ASDA275-1ADSDASf", "application": { "applicationId": "amzn1.ask.skill.1bedddda-42cf-4c4b-a6a0-716f94a337a8" }, "attributes": {}, "user": { "userId": "amzn1.ask.account.HKLJFHASKLFHASLKJDFHASLKJFDHASLKJFHA238472498372498742398234 }, "new": true }, "request": { "type": "IntentRequest", "requestId": "EdwRequestId.0411928374239a-6234239-42429-b2342e-68FWER234234", "locale": "en-US", "timestamp": "2017-03-05T15:36:41Z", "intent": { "name": "PlexPlayTrackByArtistIntent", "slots": { "artist": { "name": "artist", "value": "Metallica" }, "track": { "name": "track", "value": "blackened" } } } }, "version": "1.0" }

Tyzer34 commented 7 years ago

Hi! Thank you for trying out this project! Anyone who is eager to help out is always more than welcome! I think you should try to set your

plex_token = "X-Plex-Token=" + "kalskfjdlsdkfjlsdkjslfdksdfsdf"


plex_token = "kalskfjdlsdkfjlsdkjslfdksdfsdf"

Let me know if this works!

utorth commented 7 years ago

I tried removing it, but it resulted in a bad request.

This is what the XML looks like with the "X-Plex-Token" piece in the string. Maybe you can see something funky that I dont, but it appears to find the song:

<MediaContainer size="1" identifier="com.plexapp.plugins.library" mediaTagPrefix="/system/bundle/media/flags/" mediaTagVersion="1486782857">
<Track allowSync="1" librarySectionID="12" librarySectionTitle="Music" librarySectionUUID="a81sdfsdf60b56-sdfds2-4sdfsd-asdfds-9sdfsdfb5000" parentKey="/library/metadata/5363" personal="1" sourceTitle="Plex Server" ratingKey="5364" key="/library/metadata/5364" parentRatingKey="5363" grandparentRatingKey="5312" type="track" title="Battery" grandparentKey="/library/metadata/5312" grandparentTitle="Metallica" parentTitle="Master Of Puppets" summary="" index="1" parentIndex="1" ratingCount="4465694" viewCount="1" lastViewedAt="1483568588" year="1986" thumb="/library/metadata/5363/thumb/1485831949" art="/library/metadata/5312/art/1488532776" parentThumb="/library/metadata/5363/thumb/1485831949" grandparentThumb="/library/metadata/5312/thumb/1488532776" grandparentArt="/library/metadata/5312/art/1488532776" duration="312744" addedAt="1052091936" updatedAt="1485831949">
<Media id="5176" duration="312744" bitrate="160" audioChannels="2" audioCodec="mp3" container="mp3">
<Part id="5771" key="/library/parts/5771/1052091936/file.mp3" duration="312744" file="/mnt/backup3/Backup/MP3/Metallica/Master of Puppets/Metallica - Battery.mp3" size="6265127" container="mp3" hasThumbnail="1"/>
utorth commented 7 years ago

I got this working (with my local box instead of using Heroku)! :) I'll pull my notes together and get something up soon!

Tyzer34 commented 7 years ago

Happy to hear you've got it working! :+1: I'm curious as how you managed to get it online! :)

bomadil commented 7 years ago

Did you have a chance to get your notes together evilgrinners? I was looking on setting this up locally on my ESXI box this weekend, and would love to avoid any of the pitfalls that you dodged.

redspike commented 7 years ago

Hi all, I've kinda followed evilgrinners vague how to above and got it working via: apache->WSGI->plexmusicplayer on an Ubuntu server. The working code is in my fork of this project. Thanks to Tyzer34 for all the hard work that I've piggybacked on!

WaferMouse commented 7 years ago

@redspike Thanks for this! Just tried this on the RPi where my Plex server is and I get no errors when I restart Apache, and Alexa's request looks good to me, but Alexa's saying "The remote endpoint could not be called, or the response it returned was invalid." and the access and error logs are empty. Can anyone recommend debugging steps for an Apache noob?

A rundown of what I've done, just in case anyone can spot something obviously missing/wrong:

Any help would be appreciated! In return, here's my intentSchema.json to combine with the data from geemusic: https://gist.github.com/WaferMouse/929fd728f01568478429e5cb8f7db238

redspike commented 7 years ago

What's your endpoint set as on Amazons developer portal? Mine is set as https://fqdn/plex Also make sure that you've restarted apache

WaferMouse commented 7 years ago

@redspike I had it set to https://fqdn but now I've added /plex, but that's made no difference. I must've restarted Apache ~20 times in the last half hour tinkering with it :)

I wondered whether I might be hitting a firewall somewhere along the way, so I figured I'd shove the endpoint into Chrome and I got ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, same on the local IP as well.

redspike commented 7 years ago

@WaferMouse in your apache error.log do you have any lines for "mod_wsgi" or "Python" in there?