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Show browser's profiles in BrowserSelector MainWindow #32

Open nitin2953 opened 2 years ago

nitin2953 commented 2 years ago

An extra step to select browser profile is not necessary.

The right click menu doesn't contain any special function and could be merged into main window

U-C-S commented 2 years ago

This is bit hard to decide on one thing, I prefer having a context-menu having profiles than a long list of browsers and their profiles..... I will look into this in next update (which might take time)

Current idea is to let the user decide this in the intial launch of the Application, You know something like OOBE

nitin2953 commented 2 years ago

I prefer having a context-menu having profiles than a long list of browsers and their profiles.....

Totally agree with you, if user have multiple profiles the width will grow up too much with a fixed solution.

Idea UserSettings.json can contain multiple copy of same browser object (I tried), so why not going with both.

   "SourceType": 0,
   "Name": "Google Chrome (Profile 1)",
   "ExePath": "C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe",
   "Hidden": false,
   "LaunchArgs": "--profile-directory=\"Profile 1\""

If LaunchArgs is present as a root key of browser object, then show & launch profile with it's icon instead of default browser profile

If profiles are mentioned in AlternateLaunches then show them in context-menu