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Firefox Incognito Link Opening #46

Closed grentninja closed 2 years ago

grentninja commented 2 years ago

Hello everyone,

I just want to ask if there is a way that I can open links using Firefox incognito? Recently, I used this format here (as it also has been mentioned in the Firefox's official website).

{ "Name": "Firefox", "ExePath": "C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe", "LaunchArgs": null, "Hidden": false, "AlternateLaunches": [ { "ItemName": "Incognito", "LaunchArgs": "-private-window" } ] },

Although this works when I open incognito mode without a link, it does not work as intended when you have a link and you choose Incognito in the Firefox Alternate Launcher. It goes to open the Non-Private Window and the link within that Non-Private Window, and it also opens the Private Window, but with an empty tab. I was looking for a workaround for this but really can't find anything. I do understand that this might be an error within Firefox's end, just wanted to make sure if someone has a workaround for this. Thanks! I am quite glad that this app is also being updated, keep it up! (*^-^*)


U-C-S commented 2 years ago
      "Name": "Firefox Nightly",
      "ExePath": "C:\\Program Files\\Firefox Nightly\\firefox.exe",
      "LaunchArgs": "--private-window %URL%"

This only works with v0.6.2 and only in browser LaunchArgs which only has %URL% variable support, something AlternateLaunches currently doesn't support (will add it in next version, couldn't add it in previous since I was just testing it)

grentninja commented 2 years ago

Alright! Thanks this worked :)