U-C-S / Hurl

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Possible issue with firefox profiles #83

Closed rainingkittens closed 3 months ago

rainingkittens commented 6 months ago

This could just as easily be my personal failings with code, but I can't get hurl to work with opening any of the firefox profiles I have whether as alternate launches or just as separate browsers. 🆘

Here is the code as separate browser:

  "LastUpdated": "20/12/2023 12:45:39 PM",
  "Browsers": [
      "Name": "Firefox",
      "ExePath": "C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe"
"Name": "Firefox - downloading",
"ExePath": "\"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe\" -P downloading"

      "Name": "Microsoft Edge",
      "ExePath": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application\\msedge.exe"

and here is it as an alternate launch:

  "LastUpdated": "20/12/2023 12:45:39 PM",
  "Browsers": [
      "Name": "Firefox",
      "ExePath": "C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe"
      "AlternateLaunches": [
          "ItemName": "downloading",
          "LaunchArgs": "-P downloading"

      "Name": "Microsoft Edge",
      "ExePath": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application\\msedge.exe"

Please help!

U-C-S commented 6 months ago

Sorry for late response. Bit busy this month.

  "Name": "Firefox Nightly",
  "ExePath": "C:\\Program Files\\Firefox Nightly\\firefox.exe",
  "LaunchArgs": "-P downloading"

That works for me (NOTE: I use Firefox Nightly, which has different exe path). You need to use separate property LaunchArgs for args when adding it directly.

rainingkittens commented 6 months ago

It's still not working for me :( I did the code like so:

  "LastUpdated": "16/06/2023 5:19:10 PM",
  "Browsers": [
      "Name": "Edge",
      "ExePath": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application\\msedge.exe"
     "Name": "Firefox - downloading",
     "ExePath": "C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe"
     "LaunchArgs": "-P downloading"



and it still didn't work for me. the target for the firefox profile shortcut shows as: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -P downloading

so it should work right? I don't know what's going on or what could possibly be wrong if it's working for you.

U-C-S commented 3 months ago

Sorry, I didn't notice ur reply here

Looks like you are missing a comma , after "ExePath": "C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe"

rainingkittens commented 3 months ago

Thank you! It's now working! I have come across a new issue when adding rules through the new popup menu thingy, should I open another issue or just add it here?

U-C-S commented 3 months ago

a new issue when adding rules through the new popup menu thingy

Mention it here for now, That adding rules popup is getting redone into new window called "Ruleset Manager". I will fix it that has the same issue

rainingkittens commented 3 months ago

sure thing 😊 so basically what happens is that I use the popup to add a new rule such as: r$.*stack\\.com\\.au.* and it won't work at first so I check the UserSettings json and it adds additional backwards slashes every time so it will look like this: r$.*stack\\\.com\\\.au.* thus causing the rule to no longer work. but I can manually edit out the extra slashes and it will then start working. ideally if you could figure out a way to stop the extra backwards slashes from being added in the first place though it would be a lot simpler to add rules!


U-C-S commented 3 months ago


I think you can just use a single \ instead, not need to escape the \ again with \ , while you are doing it from UI while editing UserSettings.json directly you can just use r$.*stack\\.com\\.au.*


I believe it's not a issue.