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landuse - diversity #7

Closed temospena closed 6 months ago

temospena commented 7 months ago
          Regarding land use, it may be hard to filter what we really want. Most buildings only have tag building: yes`, without any type.


Originally posted by @temospena in https://github.com/U-Shift/SiteSelection/issues/6#issuecomment-1964611123

temospena commented 7 months ago

Ideas: Use census centroids + POI ? https://rstudio-pubs-static.s3.amazonaws.com/789901_9316efc2603c4d8c816e946b615d8a87.html

Check also this categories: https://observablehq.com/@targomo/exploring-the-15-minute-city

And entropy level viz: https://rpubs.com/aslvova/a-15-minute-city

temospena commented 7 months ago

Use flowers of proximity concept (applied to 15-min city) as categories of POI

image (Benjamin Buttner - https://www.eiturbanmobility.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/EIT-UrbanMobilityNext9_15-min-City_144dpi.pdf)


The 15-minutes.city use these tags: image

temospena commented 7 months ago

Still regarding the 15min city concept, these places are for those who LIVE in the city. It excludes tourism-related POI, such as hotels. Should we include those? @valenca13

temospena commented 7 months ago

The public transportation stops should be used also in land use or exclusively as a separated input (for the very complex sites)? 🤔

temospena commented 7 months ago

@valenca13 here is a table of the amount of POIs extracted from OSM, with their type, to classify according to the literature in X groups. I would discard all the portuguese names, that are not part of the OSM tags convention.

valenca13 commented 6 months ago

@temospena Vamos então usar as 6 grandes categorias mais os edifícios exclusivamente residenciais.

temospena commented 6 months ago
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
 0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.1229  0.2188  0.8271    1750 

So, the max value for almada is 0.82. There are several 0, with only residential. @valenca13 do we need to normalize then the values before filtering the ones >0.5, or is ready to filter?

temospena commented 6 months ago

other thing, @valenca13 You confirm that /log(N), with N always = number_categories (N=7), and not N = number of categories existing in that cell ?


valenca13 commented 6 months ago

@temospena we do not need to normalize the values, since it is already from 0 to 1. Not having a 1 value makes sense in terms of practice. You will never have the same number of different types of land use in a certain area. So the values are very low due to the number of categories. Let's try out like this. If it does not work, we aggregate the categories.

valenca13 commented 6 months ago

@temospena N is always equal to 7, because we want to evaluate how many possible categories there are in a cell. If only 4 categories are present, then the indicator should take into consideration that there are 3 missing. Depending on the values, it may be coherent to aggregate the categories into the flower of proximity concept. Let's think a little bit.