I prefer minimalist websites (such as https://www.apple.com/) - by minimalist I mean clean layouts with a few effects.
I like websites with good-quality pictures, with two (maximum three) colors scheme.
Sticky navbar.
Button on the bottom (usually bottom right) of the page that takes us to the top when scrolling down.
Layout ideas:
Navbar with information about the company/organization (About, Contact, Our Talent/Members, Our Partners, etc)
Even though none of the websites above have all of the features mentioned I like the idea of the Toptal website in which the user that visits the website has a little quiz to find out what talent/member is more suitable for their needs.
I like the fact that Topal shows their 'world-class talent' on the first page and further down we can see each person's profile and we can then contact them individually.
It would be nice to have a 'Apply' section in which the company recruits more talent (simple submission form).
Footer containing privacy policy, website terms, accessibility, social media links, etc.
I also like the idea of having a video about the company (I know that this is not our expertise but for the presentation purpose I think it would add value and would be a good way to sell our project).
We need to come up with a basic page layout so that we can begin making progress on the main website. Goals for this issue are: